Count Erpoint

Alcohol is delicious and it makes one feel good if used moderately.

Those who are too obese to suck their own must get their jollies elsewhere.

You must be Canadian or British because you use the superfluous "u" when spelling "neighborhood."

Difference being: Republicans taste like paste and Democrats taste like chicken. Delicious, gravy-soaked roasted chicken!

So much for the tolerant Left.

White holes jus' be spaces.

I bet you're the pride of your family at Inbred Thanksgiving.

You were looking left as you typed that, yeah?

These people are all used to "sucking their own cocks," so to speak, and they've relied on the FOX News set-up, whereby any idiot pronouncement is treated as just as valid as a fact.

It's Thundercant. Reality is not a thing he does. You could say he can't. It's right there.

Sports Illustrated - The magazine for people who have never sported in their entire lives.
Hopefully they snapped some sexies of the fat tub-o-well-liked-and-happy-lard for the "Body Issue."

That's not a thing. You made that up! C'mon, whaddya take me for?

Paul Ryan is such a twat.

There are several "don't get to"s in there that I'm thinking, yeah, they pretty much always get to.

Better than allies. We're business partners!

FOX News plays continuously in the cardio room at my gym. There are no seniors at my gym. I'm the oldest person there.

Remember when we bitched about Soviet bloc athletes cheating with science?

But, but, but…'Mericans need things explained to them. 'Mericans are dumb-dumbs.

Serious, though probably dumb, question: Are there any FCC regulations left to protect us against formal propagandist activity? Or, are we just supposed to roll over for this shit, because Constitution?

Weird choice, I think.