Count Erpoint

I hate this shit, too.

*oily, muscular guy wails some rock sax*

Asked. Answered. Boring as Fuck.

"Reince Priebus. When it comes to baby-boy Moochie. You ARE the father."
"Oh, no, Murray! NOOOOOOO!!!!"

George Takei is gonna hafta choke a bitch.

Wait. What?

I just figured out what to call you, dude.

Lookit Mr. Now-There-Will-Be-No-More-Profanities-In-The-News over here!

Yesterday, Ivanka asked the media to lower their expectations of her. She can only moderate her father so much, she whined.

"I'm a motherfucking woman!"
Oh dear.

And there's the thing that finding new music is too much like homework, now that broadcast radio sucks.

It's the last thing.

Pop music still sucks?
Trump hasn't changed everything then.

That's a little too so-2014. Retro-Disco is where it's at now, baby!

"Get over here, young lady, before I snatch seventy-five cents outta your hide!"
"But, mommy."
"Don't 'but, mommy' me. I told you no cookies this close to dinner!"

On my planet it's pronounced "hope."

Neil Young gives not one fuck.

Poe and who and who now?

College-age right-wingers give no single sh!ts. They just want to be on the fast-track to their entitlement of big bucks and their share of the corporo-pie. College-age right-wingers are fucking awful people.

Um, nobody's gonna be saying those things in 80 years. Not the "masterful" thing. Not the "fair-to-very-good" thing. And not the "brilliant" thing.