Count Erpoint

Are you two gonna have to fight now?

I'll see one of them.

Of course you would because you hate racism.

What it is.

Chihuahua's are awful dogs. I say that knowing you probably love your little rat-shaped, nasty chihuahau.

I dunno. It doesn't take that long for the sun to come up AND GO DOWN.

Not if you're gonna wear that speedo.

2 hrs and fifteen minutes.

Nope. Any time you see any of these blonde or blue-eyed cretins just out of college advanced as national spokespeople for The Right, you can be assured they are props meant to encourage the brand among their kind.

English, merfers! I'm in 'Merica!

I dunno. I don't have kids. But, I think Obamacare made a specific case for keeping children covered until 26, whether they were dependent or not.

I've been fortunate, I guess, to never come across one in the wild, then.

Please don't ever let him anywhere near your children. If he asks why, tell him.

"Civilian POW course"

Oh, me too.
The "Downvote" was more for sadness than anything else.
She was a stunning actress.

That sounds effing disgusting.

Thunder bolts and lightening. Very, very frightening.

"Tarred and feathered," maybe? We should totally bring that back!

A face neck you would never tire of taking a straight razor to….

That's some crazy origami, man!