Count Erpoint

Alumnee, alumna, alumni, alum-ha-haha-ha-ha

I see them all the time, driving around Indianapolis.


That's more people than buy Beyoncé albums.

6 million people listen to that sh!t?

What's with all this damned pie? I just saw A GHOST STORY, and I'm frigging bored of pie!

MTV. Fuck off, you're drunk.

Of course, the correct answer is "Live and Let You All Die When I Repeal Obamacare (Because It's Really Terrible)."

I'd like to know.
Some people wanna bulid a world of silly Trump-bashing.

I'm glad we picked you to be secretary. I hate taking minutes!

I don't know which I consider weirder…Your fascination with monkeys or butts.

Takes me back to all the days I head-banged to "Mull of Kintyre."
Good times.

Just as long as he doesn't have a song with Kanye West and Rhianna, we should be good.

Kite-Man is not the worst Batman villain. The worst Batman villain is Orca. A marine biologist who becomes a were-whale. She was murdered eventually, because she was stupid, but they've recently brought her back to tussle with Nightwing, because comics can be dumb.

Aw, Josh is alright.



A distraction from?

♪ Don't stop me now!
I'm having such a good time.
I'm having a ball!
Don't stop me now! ♪

Count Erpoint: *thinking* Uh-huh. And?