Sailor Neptune

“She and I have a ton in common, it turns out.”

“But I’m offering you such a great salary... for a girl.”

Hey, I did that! Backstory: the friend and I had been together immediately after the end of friend’s LTR. Friend needed some time and space, jump to 6 mos later. I am at work on New Years Day, the phone rings, it is friend. Inviting me to drinks. Says the resolution is to make things happen in life. BUT due to the

Whyyyyyyy did you respond that way? Did you feel emasculated or something? I’m just curious.

It really sounds like she has some sort of personality disorder. Especially the stuff in this article:…

Born in a teepee in the middle of nowhere Montana and hunting with bows and arrows? Moved to South Africa where her mother and stepfather beat her for being too dark?

I’m logging the fuck off.

This makes sense. This has to be it. I cannot accept another answer unless it’s accompanied by a Youtube video tutorial, complete with step-by-step guide, commentary and downloadable PowerPoint handouts.

I believe she’s pointing out the sheer, condescending hypocrisy of not trusting her to know her mind about a subtle neck tattoo, having covered tons of dudes with extremely loud, easy-to-regret tattoos.

so wait.

Here’s what gets to me. Yeah, a lot of c-sections are unnecessary, but that doesn’t make them the wrong decision. C-sections are done when doctors suspect a certain level of risk to the mother or the baby. Let’s say that there is a 10% risk of serious injury or death to the baby. Ten percent is an incredibly high

Ugh. The cynical know-it-all-ism paired with the absolutely terrible argument in this comment is just the worst.

And women also used to die in childbirth ALL THE TIME. Like I’m pretty sure it was the most common cause of death for women. I’m all for reducing c-sections, but that doesn’t mean that we should just accept that the “natural” way of doing things is good for us, because sometimes it isn’t.

Women have been giving birth since the beginning of human existence, sure, but they also died frequently while doing so. Are you seriously suggesting that giving birth is not incredibly dangerous without medical intervention? 99% of maternal deaths are in poor, developing countries.

Sure, women have been giving birth without medical intervention for centuries. And wow, it’s like modern medical technologies have had no impact on maternal death rates and infant mortality rates! It’s like nothing has changed at all!

Animals eat the placenta to prevent predators from smelling a potential meal of new mother, babies and afterbirth.

Women and babies dying of natural childbirth at astonishing rates is also natural.

It was 2004, I wanted to look glamorous. They gave me a boa and a rose and I got my hair relaxed (which didn’t completely work and you can tell by the over all crimping) and my eyebrows over plucked. At the time I thought I looked amazing, the epitome of glamour and style. Now, not so much.

I had a GRAND vision for my senior portraits. I was really into Judy Garland and attempted to recreate her ‘Get Happy’ look from Summer Stock. I just KNEW that this photo was going to be pure artistic expression...

Oh hello 1996.