
You’re right about him being an “elite”... but... there are elites on the left too.

But seriously. You need to watch out for the manipulative bad actors. They aren’t confined to the right or any other political view, for that matter.

This strategy will get him to China, eventually.  Amirite???

It really does. I lol’d
I’m surprised Trump hasn’t learned yet that people can take anything he says to use it against him. So when he is complaining about flies hovering around him... I mean... come on...

“Race traitors” ?  Wow... lol... just wow.  And people applaud this kind of talk on this sight.  Gross.

Looks like they just swapped the textures with ones that really emphasize the repetitive tiling instead of hiding it.  More detail doesn’t always mean better.

This hashtag is basically a Rorschach test.

You see things as very two-dimensional; in absolutes.
Are you a sith? If so, very cool.

When a person has a problem with “centrism” or they say it is “often bad”, it’s usually because they don’t understand what it actually means to be somewhere in the middle.

Politics, ethics, morals, human behavior,reality, etc... none of it falls on some neat little line with a point on one end and another diametrically

Sounds like you know everybody in Western Europe, then.
You must be really connected and popular.  Cool on you!

“Just a bad teacher” is an oversimplified reaction to what could be a complex situation. There is only so much a person can do.

A teacher should only put so much energy into trying to keep an individual student focused. Depending on the class size, it might not be practical to keep derailing the class to address one

She is an Identitarian. She measures the individual, their ideas & thoughts, and their perspective solely by their gender, race, and age. Probably by orientation too.

That’s a problem. Regardless of what side to the societal or political spectrum she sits on. These qualities can inform a person on what kind of

I think you are making the association between being an asshole and being into country music and living. If you didn’t know this, assholes come from all walks of life.

Those in my circles and the family I have in Wisconsin are pretty socially progressive. So I can easily contradict your experience with my own.

So the

This comment and this article are comically hyperbolic.

Because there is some serious gaslighting going on by some people.
Trump and republicans are being compared to Nazis on a regular basis and then these camps are being called concentration camps.

Most people would also hear “concentration camp” and think of the most obvious example in their mind, which is associated with

Except... any smart human being would cheer for the Predator to win because they wont wipe out the whole human race if given the chance. The Aliens would... just saying.


OR... they are actually more altruistic than you give them credit for.
If you have actually knew the guy, you probably wouldn’t find it so easy to say these things. He’s a genuine dude.

But the truth is probably more of something in the middle. Altruism plus business strategy. Tencent is involved. So yeah... there is

Sounds like you were doing them a favor. They got rid of you for a reason and they now know definitively that you are solidly someone else’s problem.  They can rest easy and celebrate :D

Idk if it “worked for Trump”.  Everyday we hear the media talking about getting trump impeached.  Seems to me like it’s never gonna die.  Just like it is never gonna die for Jussie.

Wait wait wait.... Milk takes out ink stains?

Who is making a deal out of this?  Or are they imagined.  I’ve seen no complaints.  Nor does the article talk about people complaining.