
The scary thing is that kids are being pushed into thinking they must be trans if they like toys and activities that are considered “wrong” for their sex. Look at the stories of parents saying they knew their boy was really a girl when he wanted pink sparkly things.

In some ways it is worse, a girl who was not into “girly” things USED to be called a tomboy and people would just say “she will grow out of it when she discovers boys”

Please Ford, don’t load this thing down with every gadget and googah ever made. Just make a plain little truck that I don’t need a stepladder to climb into and has a nice 2 person cab with a nice long bed.

Transgenderism needs sexist stereotypes to survive —- if we lived in a truly gender free world, trans people would not exist. Considering the number of men who dress up as sex cartoons of women, this is a sexual fetish for many of them.