
She probably is a terrible person. I’ve never seen anything to suggest she isn’t but a whole lot to suggest she is.

Nothing about this project was ever “Oscar material”

how is this any different?

“There’s a pretty big difference between playing an Irish woman and playing someone who is trans....”

You are fucking welcome!

See also, Chelsea Clinton.

Those men can do no wrong.

This can’t be said often enough. Vote Wilkes, people!

No, it comes from oil - just like it does with the Dems.

Vote for Wilkes.

I don’t think the writers do the headlines. 

Dude... wtf is wrong with you?

Good for Jolie. It’s a topic that needs more focus, as demonstrated by the latest outrage-theater over AOC’s recent concentration camp comments.

I don’t get it either. It’s a weird bad look that Jez insists on promoting regardless of what Jolie does.

There’s this bizarre Team Jen attitude around here that I have never understood.

It’s stupid YouTube conservative pwn-culture talk. It’s just dumb. Jordan TOTALLY WRECKS SomePersonWhoWasJustTryingToGetCoffeeBeforeWorkAndWasn’tPreparedToHaveADebateAboutBlahBlahBlah’ ‘Brandon DESTROYS....’ ‘Carson MAULS with words....’

The central mistake for that whole Dark Universe idea was that the audience would be not rooting for the monsters and would instead want to root for ‘heroes’ fighting the monsters.

Now playing

This was made in 1945to combat prejudice. Depressing that it is still so pertinent.

Native Americans were also put in concentration camps as an act of genocide, fyi.

except for under the Nazis