
Because they don’t want to burn all the goodwill they’ve earned and piss off their loyal user base. It’s really not that hard to understand.

My buddy is in San Antonio. He says it’s not too bad there. But, some of the DA stories I’ve heard are quite ridiculous, but that’s about incompetence, not blatantly unconstitutional behavior.

I have no idea how that would work here. My county (where the city and largest suburbs are) is heavily Republican. So... I can’t hold my breath for municipal fiber. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if TWC has bribed every politician here. That would be about right.

You’re joking, right? She’s hasn’t accomplished anything by merit. Everything she’s done has solely been due to her being married to Bill Clinton.

Maybe Sony would be cool and not try to piss off their loyal customers by saying, anyone who wants a PS4.5 (ya know, assuming it’s happening and selling for, let’s say, $400) can trade in their PS4 and receive $200 off (i.e., half price).

I think that good reason was, he’s fictional.

I have literally no idea where that is.

Interesting. I don’t know if you saw one of my other comments about my 9th grade science project (this conversation got me thinking about that comment).

Just toss “Patriot” or “Freedom” or some other similar word in a highway spending bill and watch it pass. Let’s see, can I come up with something that sounds good? The Patriot’s Freedom and Liberty Bill. That sounds good right? I mean, if it’s for highways, it enables freedom of movement and liberty to move around the

Hahahha, I like you. You seem to be one of the few Texans that isn’t bat shit crazy. Man, that’s got to be tough.

Yeah, totally agree. What percentage of our nation’s bridges were/are in a state of complete disrepair?

So, it’s radiation that one would encounter, in dosing levels (millisieverts, right?) that are no different than what one would encounter at random out in the world.

Hahahha, that’s fair. NY isn’t perfect, by any stretch (I’m looking at Wall St. primarily, sorry about fucking up the entire country and/or world), but I’ll take living here than the other 2/3.

My best friend, from NY, is currently a Texas assistant district attorney. The stories he tells me about the shenanigans in Texas regarding the politicians are INSANE! He constantly says things like, “I can’t believe these fucking people are elected, they don’t know what’s in the god damn constitution!” Hilarious, or

Awe... someone is butthurt they look like a fucking moron. It’s ok, maybe someday you’ll grow up and not be a fucking moron. But... today is not that day. Go home little boy, you’re out of your league.

I’m in that same boat. Our only broadband provider is TWC. I’ve been super tempted to write/email/call Google and beg them to just announce Google Fiber in my area (with absolutely no commitment on following through). That should be the catalyst required to get TWC off their asses.

Not my point. Coal, as in the stuff that will be burned, is fairly inert. Plutonium or any radioactive element used to fuel nuclear reactors releases ionizing radiation.

I really enjoy you asserting your opinion as fact and countering absolutely nothing I’ve said.

Well, the coasts suffer from NIMBY (not in my backyard), and by virtue of geography, the flyovers have a lot more room.

Well, I mean coal in and of itself isn’t releasing radiation, as opposed to plutonium which is radioactive. But yeah, the process of coal burning is horrendous.