
Also, considering Under the Dome included a sub-plot in which the central villain convinced everyone to hand in their guns so he could incompetently oppress them better or whatever, I'm not too optimistic.

Ah yes, those halcyon days of the past when television was an unfettered and uncensored wonderland, when Walter Cronkite and Beaver Cleaver dropped fucks galore!

There is actually a moderately lengthy review/examination of the show on here from maybe 4-5 months ago.

Agreed sir. I will stand by the tolerability of peeps to the end!

I seem to recall reading maybe an NYT profile on these guys some months back, and it mentioned about how the Duck patriarch had always wanted religion and values to play a larger role in the show but the younger sons and daughters, probably mostly out of a desire to keep the gravy train coming, always warded that off.

I assume old Duck fellow here has never seen say, these photos, of SS guards at Auschwitz celebrating Christmas/Yuletide.

I once met the uncle of a friend who, while blacked out drunk, decided to visit a tattoo parlor. He discovered in the morning that the artist had bestowed upon his arm a mouse sitting in a wine glass.

I've started seeing the Dissolve behind AVC's back. It's a bit low I admit since they used to be a thing but I've got my (pop-culture) needs you know?

You'll find out soon enough then friend.

Give us free…………!

I would most certainly second Lurky's recommendation on Lore. It's a very concise, well-crafted film and tackles the subjects of national guilt and the de-and reconstruction of German national myths after WW2 with great intelligence and nuance.

Very elaborate shadow puppets.

I'm a little torn on Healy. His transformation from seemingly benign bumbler to something more sinister was expertly managed I agree, but every so often I felt the writers were slipping a bit and giving him dialogue that was much too telegraphed.

I think the Wii U still has a serious 'hook' problem. The concept behind the original Wii is easy to grasp and consequently to sell, trying to create an elevator pitch for the Wii U is a nightmare.

I don't think most of the backlash to Shame really has much to do with the actual quality of the film proper but overwhelmingly with the subject it depicts. Though, there are some cinematic/plot criticisms as well.

It seems a particularly odd criticism toward Frances given that a major element of the movie is the process of maturing out of navel-gazing behavior.

I can't wait to evolve into a purely energy-based consciousness via the sweet embrace of Mountain Dew-Gamer Fuel.

The other major difference is that although the industry has grown stagnant over the last several years, it has also brought on a certain level of dependability for the casual consumer. Along with the saturation of consoles post the Atari 2600, there was a massive influx of downright broken games.

This weekend I watched the tightly constructed Chinese crime thriller Drug War.

Overwhelmingly was probably the wrong word to use in this instance, 'important component' is certainly much more accurate.