
Right, those are all very astute and legitimate points. Particularly regarding the exclusion of empathy for people based on the innate/learned divide and the manner in which sex-negativism adversely impacts people of all orientations.

I understand there are legitimate reasons for their inclusion, but stretching LGBT too far beyond subjects related specifically to gay/transgender issues seems awfully dubious to me a lot of the time.


This turns the program into an 'event' rather than just something you could ostensibly buy on DVD/Blu-Ray and watch at your leisure.

Death knell of your civilization, Comrade.

Just about the only one of these I enjoyed was the interview with Alex Kapranos.

As if Sean O'Neal hasn't beat you there.

I plan to rent out my funeral to corporate advertisers, may as well take the financial edge off the family, you know?

The way the movie killed off the trophy wife irritated the hell out of me. She's actually one of the only sympathetic people in that whole boring ass movie, and then it kills her off miserably in the last 10 minutes for no reason.

Overall a very light pop-culture weekend for me as I didn't get around to watching any movies like usual. For the most part just played games, namely lots of AC4: Black Flag, CoH2 multiplayer and a touch of Chivalry and Rome 2.

The first four are pretty dreadful but somewhere around number five they got a new director and basically decided to give up the focus on street racing and shift the franchise toward over-the-top, almost 80s style action movies.

Does the Antropomancer transform unsuspecting humans into furries? Because that would truly be the most horrifying sorcery of all.

Well said and I think a very valid perspective.

There are unpleasant varieties of people from all persuasions and perspectives, there's no doubt or denying that. But you have to concede the power-differential is scarcely in favor of the kind of people we're discussing.

Well, now I feel gross.

They take us to the next stage of (musical) evolution.

At this point I've developed an instinctual, negative reaction to even the phrase 'social justice', which is unfortunate because as you say it's actually something I believe in when stripped of the chronic misuse and hyperbole with which it has become associated.

I'd like to extend this general point to the wider media narrative about 'twerking'. It's just shaking your ass, it's the oldest dance move in the damn book.

Always have a monkey eat them first, so as to test whether they're bad dates.

I was wondering this as well, the brief clips I've seen on TV make it look as though the story has been transplanted into the modern day.