
Except for the conclusion's I've finished up What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder and Everday Life in Nazi Germany.

I just saw a car while returning to work with giant fake eyelashes pasted on above the headlights.

lol so random XD - Target Audience, Youtube Commenter

I'd respect them a lot more if they just embraced the deep stupidity of this concept and ran with it rather than needing to qualify that it is derived from a 'theory' in the same way many horror movies are 'based on a true story'.

It seems like you ought to remember.

Hell is the ultimate dangerzone.

During the early Soviet period people created all sorts of bizarre amalgam names that captured the era's short lived optimism for the bright, modern future!

You know I never really thought about the practicalities of that story before, and having now regrettably done so it makes it way, way worse.

There was a guy in one of my Roman history courses whose son was named Aeneas, he was a cool fellow though so I'll give him a pass and since the name has some legitimate literary bonafides.

If you have not already, I'd definitely recommend downloading the latest Nvidia drivers that have AC4 specific support that were released just recently a few days after the game was, I got a substantial FPS boost after installing them.


I haven't but I'm certainly interested in doing so, albeit probably not for a while given that it will be placed among my ever-expanding backlog of books to read. How closely does the film follow the events of the memoir?

Disco Godfather: When his nephew Bucky ODs on Angel Dust, it's up to the avenging Disco Godfather to attack the wack off the streets. Flubbed line readings, visible boom mics and painfully inept kung-fu, it's all here and it's thoroughly entertaining.

Selling? There's a reason they're giving them away.

Seconded Douay.

He didn't say anything about you being a bad person at all.

The audience for late-night punditry seems pretty slim, no?

Yeah the coincidences that keep her from having to deal with someone not outright trying to kill her are piled on a bit too thick.

There was a girl like that in my major at college, as it turned out she was even scoping me out when we first met. Thankfully, said interest didn't last and she ended up marrying a much older classmate and making everything super weird instead.

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