
The Hunger Games: Figured I ought to see for myself what this cultural phenomenon was all about and gave the first movie a watch on Netflix. On whole I found the movie worthwhile but certainly it's not without issues.

Very well said @avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus and @avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus. I'm very much in agreement.

I suppose this one sounds O-K, but generally speaking a lot of the 'intellectual' leaning torture porn movies seem to be arguably much more insufferable than their openly dumb peers. (Though, to be fair I've little interest in those either).

The proper avenue through which to examine the political and social challenges of our time is obviously through the combat of men dressed in tights and the visages of small, fruit-eating mammals.

People who play terrible games purely for the achievements are tragic enough as it is, I'm pretty sure this extends things into human cruelty.

It tis' the Christmas season, after all.

Yeah, this sounds incredibly fascinating but it also about as demanding on the part of the viewer as a doc can get.

Not particularly, the first year or so after the launch of a new console is always pretty sparse on quality titles. Think back to the original PS2 or the original Xbox for example, Halo alone basically saved its launch from utter mediocrity.

"If they spent this much time and effort on the sleek, minimalist aesthetic then the hardware must be equally remarkable!" -Some sorry bastard buying an Ouya

It's just so horrid. Why, their communities are even fenced off to keep them inside! Such inhumanity. #freedanielD

Ahem, I believe they're making the sign of the mass-student movement 'The Wave'.

The smoldering ruins of Corinth find Rome's appeal questionable.

Except maybe, for this.

"I tire. of mead….I thirst. for BLOOOOOOOOD"

In the third movie, the apes go to court. Human court.

I think they were just trying to make a joke, not particularly successful perhaps but attributing malice is a little much. We ourselves make said fearing change joke all the time after all.

I wish web-designers would learn that some of us still use those archaic devices known as com-puters, rather than tablets.

Skyfall: About as good a Bond film as one could ask for, with tight, comprehensible action sequences and absolutely gorgeous cinematography. There's some nonsensical plotting on behalf of the villain of course, but I wouldn't expect anything less.

It's been Skrull Larry King this entire time.

Branching out a little beyond the usual sort of high school classes, I believe in my film class we watched: