
Along with its many other problems, The Patriot has got to have the worst depiction of slavery of any major film made within the last 20 years.

I imagine it does well in the vaunted white male 18-35 demo.

I imagine it does well in the vaunted white male 18-35 demo.

I can't believe America's Funniest Home videos still exists. Have these people not discovered the internet?

Male Youtube celebrities all appear to be aesthetically trapped in emo-lite circa 2005, also known as the last time they were vaguely relevant.

Hold on to your (fine) butts

Every downvote can be explained by one of two circumstances:
A: The downvoter was an asshole
B: You were an asshole

I don't know, its old looking design might be of some use in drawing in the same old people who read chain emails , i.e the people who most need Snopes' information.

It's pretty clear to me that you have never actually spoken to an American Muslim at any length.

I have fond memories of the PS1 and its many great games but I think that generation will be considered the most mechanically clumsy and aesthetically ugly period of gaming, just due to all of the transitional hurdles of the time.

I'm not sure Caligari is the best entry point. It's a neat film for sure, but the expressionist visuals that it's most well-known for are only one component of the movie as a whole. I like Nosferatu quite a bit and found it effectively creepy at moments, but some of the mundane point A to point B plot stuff is

So do Christians in Uganda. So do skinheads and hardcore Orthodox believers in Russia. The list goes on. This isn't something unique to Islam, nor is it a core belief.

On a technical level it's largely fine, roughly equal to the PS4 in most regards.

A lot of this comes down to what kind of games you enjoy. If you prefer RPGs, Japanese or niche titles then PS3 is going to be better for you. However, 360 has a much larger overall selection of games, and is the better console for FPS titles, Western RPGs. racing etc.

There is a disturbing lack of Knights and monarchical scheming going on here.

I would say the current state of Russian authoritarianism is much more peculiar than that. It's an autocracy certainly but also a bit more consensus minded, in that it explicitly builds in the functioning mechanisms of democracy even while stripping them of nearly all of their substance. It's a sort of 'smart'

As I've mentioned on here on one other occasion, RT was paradoxically incredibly popular among my university's libertarian student organization. Mostly for bringing on Alex Jones types as Mohd says.

"Contextual information relayed to you automatically so you could win any argument"

The 100 Year Itch

This weekend I watched two films about a pair of very different, but equally insular sub-cultures.