
We have another sub-thread for you, right over thereā€¦..

I am a very refined and cultured pig, thank you very much.

It's okay. You didn't know his American Idol victory would lead nowhere.

I thought it was more of a white-knuckle thrill ride myself.

Although the general trend of website redesigns doesn't lend me that much optimism, on whole I'm not really bothered by this news.

I admire the people responsible for the US costume, for pursuing the ballsy move of making Miss Universe into a battle robot.

I think the difficulty is getting 15 year old males to go see a movie about a girl, pshhh.

I don't know, as ultra-rich egomaniacs go he seems like an alright kinda guy. He at least seems to put his money into things other than blow and conservative Super PACs so I'd say that's worth something.

Off the top of my head I can think of Idigenes/Days of Glory which spurred the French government to restore proper pension rights to North and Sub-Saharan African World War Two veterans who fought as colonial troops for France.

In one of my friend's apartments we discovered a 1980s Playboy sitting on top of one of the kitchen cupboards, presumably placed so its long-absent original owner could grab it en-route to the bathroom.

I think Ms. Ness 'Deamons' Olsen has been been playing a few too many RPGs.

They're actually just giving away the player's used copies. Big fans the lot of them.

I must say, that's a pretty solid deal for $18. Particularly given that at most sporting events you'd be paying nearly that for a beer anyway.

A small bag of green army men. The paint is toxic but I mean think about the value!

And they are stealing all of our jobs!

How do you compute love Robocop???

Robosexuals can do whatever they want man, as long as they're not all roboty in my face or whatever.

I wasn't but I am suitably amused that it exists.

Yeah from what I have heard second-hand Reign is supposed to be a fairly fun little show when taken on its own terms, but the costume thing will never not irritate me.

This subject could actually be really fascinating in the right hands given the peculiar mix of artistry and seediness inherent in the ballet world at that time and the cultural landscape of France in the 1880s.