
Is this closure a sponsored tie-in with 1993 week?

Yeah this is really one of the elements that makes the show so special.

There are so many great elements to this story but my favorite side-detail has to be the biography of the mayor's friend/driver. To quote directly from an NYT article:

Christie really seems like the only viable mainstream candidate at the moment, but I don't think he has nearly enough national pull to substantively compete even though his overall reputation has risen quite a bit over the last two odd years.

I must admit, Lord Humungous ran a tight campaign.


It is deeply horrifying how close he looks to a wax figurine in that header photo.

Hourman's greatest foe. Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time.

Now there's a plot point you'll only find in comics.

I'm the famous comedian, Arnold Brownschweiger.

I don't know, there's a certain profane art to the likes of Sluggo but the connectivity of NuDisqus seems to be bringing some new posters here who aren't traditional trolls, but just sort of hateful and boring.


Yep. Goonies is one I missed as well, so I know the "YOU'VE NEVER SEEN etc etc" reaction all too well.

I had some pretty sweet fighter jet pogs back in my day. I wonder whatever happened to all of those things, I think I stored them in a binder or something.

If there's one thing we know about America, it's that it just hates Christianity.

Unfortunately, by that measure we'd be invalidating probably half the countries on Earth.

I think we determined he is actually Swedish? Which almost makes it worse because he easily has the means to know better.

I was always perplexed by the libertarian student organization at my University, which constantly posted videos from the news network Russia Today (RT) on their Facebook page and used them at events.

I'm not sure if this is generational but I do find it tiring when people spend an inordinate amount of time rewatching programming from their youths.

I somehow completely avoided the entire Space Jam phenomenon and have never seen it to this day. And at this point I doubt it's something I'd find particularly fulfilling to watch sans any nostalgic fondness.