
Oh no, the fight in the later season was horrifically bad, but this one I liked.
I mean, it wasn't so much of a 'fight' as it was 'wrestling'…

Well the sad truth was that Mr Kim died shortly after Lane's conception and Mrs Kim Victor Victoria'd it up until she thought Lane was old enough to take the news well.
Too dark?

That was the best thing the show has ever done
The fact that he said she had no emotion on and off-stage filled me with a spiteful glee so intense that I still haven't retracted my claws.

Even if they brought Finn in, I wouldn't care.
If they had just a New York spin off with Rachel, Kurt, Santana, Finn and - probably - Blaine, I could maybe write off the original.
I get that they're hitting a lot of the same notes in Ohio because the new characters are younger and going through a lot of the same stuff,

Courteney Cox was amazing in these episodes.
I think it gets too easy to make her a neurotic, Elliot Reid/Monica Gellar hybrid and she plays it well and it's funny, but that scene where she's talking about why she wants Tippi Hedren to meet her dad was fantastic. 
I also can't believe I just typed the last part of that

Oh, that 'But I love you Luke, I love you!' is so heartbreaking. 
It's a completely different animal. 
It's one of my favourite scenes. 
Like you know how much it's taking for her to say it in the first place and that she wants to elope?! 
And yeah, I quite liked Logan, too.
He got Rory out of her comfort zone which she

Yup, @avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus , and then once Jess turned up, he was '(not completely) irrationally jealous Dean' and 'Wait, what? I don't understand your references anymore all of a sudden Dean' and then just plain old 'stupid, adultering, bad-man Dean'. 

Yeah, he was smart and a good match for Rory; he challenged her when she needed to be challenged and then… Jess happened.
Now, I actually prefer Jess over Dean once he got over his James Dean phase and came back in later seasons, but they shouldn't have changed Dean's character so much.

I don't know how much of it is the script and how much of that was Bledel, but that 'I love you, you idiot' was so… gah, I can't even watch it, it's so horrible.
And yeah, I love Rory when she's interacting with anyone except for her gentleman suitors, 'cause then you're right, she IS insufferable and bitchy.

Wait, I'm a bit rusty with Star Trek, having only had to suffer through it with the boyfriend, who looooves it.
…hive mind? Is that what you're going for there?

Yep yep.
'Oh, er… Mr Schu's missing, but… maybe we could still go on?'
They even found their own cheesy, unifying theme for music AND somehow psychically flew it over to New York; they have things covered.

You realise Google's a thing that exists, yes?
*Googles 'Marley Glee'*…
Okay, she's about my age and now I feel bad.

Okay, so Creep was surprisingly okay and I realise that it was part of staging, but wouldn't those girls doing ballet have been really pissed off that Rachel was walking through them while they were dancing? 
Not cool, Berry. Not cool.
I'm also pretty sure I woke up my flatmate trying to sing that last 'ruuuuuun'.

I realise I'm a year late to the game here as I'm just now catching up, but someone may read this review again, like I just did.
Kathryn totally Riley'd Emmett!
Remember with the whole Dawn telling Riley something along the lines of 'she was crazy and everything was life and death with Angel, but she doesn't get like

A few thoughts:

If you're just going on how well they can dance, Sasha and Jordan.

Just done that, also. 
May be futile, but why not?
Of course, not being in the US, I had to find a zip code to use first.
I'm from Idaho now.

Oh, now that you mention it, I'm not sure.
I just assumed it would be women, but he'd probably make more money as a rentboy.

I actually enjoyed this one a lot.
I do think that's partly because the music was actually good, though.
I usually watch Glee as a 20/30 minute show, skipping through most of the awful music, but tonight was pretty awesome.
I mean, You're All I Need To Get By? Yes! A thousand times yes!
Though I'll concede that

She'll be waiting tables, be spotted by… someone or other, shoot to fame ('cause you don't need school-learnin' if ya got the goods, kid!) and Rachel will kill herself. 
It'll be a whole thing.