
@avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus but the pew pews

Did you forget to read the last sentence again?

Did you forget to read the last sentence again?

We would know if Smith wrote it because he would have a weekly podcast dedicated to apples or smoking weed from apples or SMapples.

We would know if Smith wrote it because he would have a weekly podcast dedicated to apples or smoking weed from apples or SMapples.

Joe Eszterhas

Joe Eszterhas

O'Neal reminds me so much of this writer Alex Balk who used to be an editor I think for Gawker before moving to his own blog.  There is such sweet misanthropy and wry humor.  I like.

O'Neal reminds me so much of this writer Alex Balk who used to be an editor I think for Gawker before moving to his own blog.  There is such sweet misanthropy and wry humor.  I like.

Man the summer commenters are SOBER.

I get drunk, smoke a joint, then set 10 minutes to roll and ripple as quick as possible.  Never cut though.

I get drunk, smoke a joint, then set 10 minutes to roll and ripple as quick as possible.  Never cut though.

There is a metaphorical door as in you could just never come here.  Also, Sean Oneal needs to meet up with Alex Balk.

I imagine a boy in Bangladesh acting out a Judd Apatow character from this movie to another boy as they stand over open sewage.

I imagine a boy in Bangladesh acting out a Judd Apatow character from this movie to another boy as they stand over open sewage.

TDKR and Avengers didn't do it for me.  I think, in my mid 30s, that guys in costumes are kinda looking lame.  I am aging out of the population that thinks all this shit is amazing and leading into the population that thinks the shit I saw as a kid was better.  But even with all that, I still don't think any of the

TDKR and Avengers didn't do it for me.  I think, in my mid 30s, that guys in costumes are kinda looking lame.  I am aging out of the population that thinks all this shit is amazing and leading into the population that thinks the shit I saw as a kid was better.  But even with all that, I still don't think any of the

After Total Recall, I am calling 2012 the shittiest summer movie season ever.

After Total Recall, I am calling 2012 the shittiest summer movie season ever.

These films should just be called Smug then add the sequel number.