
replying because this comment is lonely.

replying because this comment is lonely.

As far as I can tell the only guys who kind of didn't like it were NME and that review is totally based on the history of SP not even the album.  The album straight up is good.

As far as I can tell the only guys who kind of didn't like it were NME and that review is totally based on the history of SP not even the album.  The album straight up is good.

Oceania is good as Pearl Jam is good to my older brothers who grew up in the 70s.  It sounds oldie but goodie.  And I mean all this as compliments to the new album and the original Pearl Jam.  Getting old is old.

Oceania is good as Pearl Jam is good to my older brothers who grew up in the 70s.  It sounds oldie but goodie.  And I mean all this as compliments to the new album and the original Pearl Jam.  Getting old is old.

I would rank Oceania above Melon Collie.

I would rank Oceania above Melon Collie.

It's not their best but the opening drum patterns to Cherub Rock gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it.  I wanted to fuck something immediately.  And my right hand was my pal ever since.

It's not their best but the opening drum patterns to Cherub Rock gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it.  I wanted to fuck something immediately.  And my right hand was my pal ever since.

That would never happen to a Dawes fan.

That would never happen to a Dawes fan.

I say go for it.  I would never have thought they could pull it off but lo and behold it is here.  An album worthy of fans adoration.

I say go for it.  I would never have thought they could pull it off but lo and behold it is here.  An album worthy of fans adoration.

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus How will we know when the shitty clones arrive?

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus How will we know when the shitty clones arrive?

The new Smashing Pumpkins album sounds EXACTLY like Siamese Dream and is being rewarded (justly I might add) for it by the reviews.  You are on to something.

The new Smashing Pumpkins album sounds EXACTLY like Siamese Dream and is being rewarded (justly I might add) for it by the reviews.  You are on to something.

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus I didn't even get that far, I went apoplectic when something something "We Are Young" is the new "Nevermind" blap blap blap….

@avclub-5171864ab150444a2bcff2d4c52d3064:disqus I didn't even get that far, I went apoplectic when something something "We Are Young" is the new "Nevermind" blap blap blap….