Comedy Gold Jerry

You can't correct those who believe so steadfast in their ideas, it's not exactly how religion is formed but it is a strange sort of religious extremism where the faith lies in "everyone is wrong but me".

They're in there, don't worry. There's more likely to be "That's Mine, Fuck You" voters in there being mostly disenfranchised white folk in rural towns.

Startlingly, yes. Impressed but fearful, that's how I'm taking it.

Always good to be in the arms game during times of instability.

Still is, you're welcome to read any other article which I can guarantee at least some pop culture you can identify.

The tanker burst 35 years ago, the sludge has made greater strides in the last 15 years though.

It's a metaphor, we don't know the rules but we've been through worse and will come out better… yknow, providing we come out better, non-zero chance of nuclear annihilation and all.

White male with a gun.

So this is that fake news I've been hearing about…

The system is working as designed then.

The thing is that it doesn't matter to those in the lofty heights pulling the strings, the little people can tear each other apart and it won't impact them because they're basically like ants to them. And yes, being poor is the most expensive thing to be, sounds circular in logic but 130-210% of your money goes to

It's them Russians! They's puttin' out lies knowin' we's eat ourselves and they'd go scratch over the remains!!

It's a diverse array of the criminally insane, sociopathic, stupid and desperate and all the overlap that Venn diagram implies it has.

Hey, that's a half truth!

Kinda does, it's where most of their visitors come from so they're entirely dependant on feeding the monster. Facebook reliance totally needs to be cut back though given how powerful it is for online media both fake and otherwise.

Private account? Saying batshit insane stuff? Sorry, already blocked you.

Yeah, that's the problem when the monster is your lifeline, cut it off and you die too. Strange how the monster made it so the fate of it and several websites are entwined so much that to kill the monster means to kill everyone else including yourself.

I was talking about Podmass in general, this EOY list just makes that problem more clear.

Podmass still confuses me with the choices of podcasts, still not convinced Chapo Trap House isn't operating like a Voight-Kampff test for "real" leftist politicos and MBMBAM I still can't bring myself to enjoy, it's the voices and annoyances contained within which cause issues for me.

Yes! Why doesn't anyone like the podcasts I like??! I mean, I really like IST and Magic Tavern but never really hear a thing about either, it disappoints.