Comedy Gold Jerry

Cum Town just sounds so super edgy, I'm kinda put off on it for that reason alone. Chapo Trap House however is daring me to dislike it.

Gotta agree with you on Fentimans, they make a solid cola.

You have three more weeks to find out more about OUAT and it does say the best worst show on TV so yeah, not everything will suck but that's the charm.

No, it's Gritty Dora the Explorer's inner monologue.

Hey, this isn't funny or entirely ambiguous in nature! What happened to you The Comics Page? You used to be cool.

The universe would unfortunately tell you that tragedy is the default and any sense of safety and protection needs to be worked for.

RandomGuy, Rocky.

Perkins, Rocky.

Mornin' Rocky.

No, Other Space was a highly unfunny, mostly maudlin pile of cheap garbage.

Hi yo!

You can find track stems pretty easy if you know where to look.

I think you're missing the word "sciatica" from the end there.

"This guy is not totally terrible" seems a small but significant step I suppose. There's all the other stuff and "not a douche" is about as backhanded as it gets but baby steps.

Can't roll around in the shit with pigs.

Not exactly setting a high bar.

That's some dark as hell "The Day Today" stuff right there.

Yeah, we've hit a real odd dead spot, I blame Black Mirror.

I have no idea why she came back given everything but damn it, more power to her!

No, they're just as self indulgent as people think Cameron's articles are.