Comedy Gold Jerry

Well I do ask why it's here but for other reasons. I don't say it to anyone but I always give it some serious stinkeye when I see it on the front page before heading to WOT like everyone should.

I like it, it's neat.

I don't see the draw in Attack on Titan.

Hahaha… oh, wow, you were serious.

That's the problem, had he been on The Brady Bunch he'd have an obit!

I think you mean an O'Neal stomach pump.

I'm not convinced they need to given he's a political leader, not really a media fixture within pop culture.

But what about the two minutes of hate?

As it should, it's pretty irresponsible to lower yourself to fake news headlines for clicks, just devalues the internet and journalism as a whole.

They could serve you nut loaf, I feel that a greater insult because at least the Tofurkey is trying to seem edible.

Soup kitchen… you'll be lucky to find a Twinkie in the ruins of a 7-11 while hunting mutated squirrels.

Sometimes it can surprise you. Not Savage Love though, that's just terrible.

That's just bad sub-editing then, hate when headlines entirely misconstrue the actual point for clicks. As Katie is News Editor, this does fall onto her to not be dishonest when deciding on what headlines get used and if they're at all just making a pithy eye-catching statement that's almost 70% divorced from reality.

This truly does feel like the darkest timeline, just nobody told us up would be down in this brave new world.

She didn't say it'd be kinda fun but it's more like a thought experiment at her pay grade anyway. She might think it though, we don't know if Katie can read minds. Gwynnie does want for togetherness during a time of deep division so she's not fully wrong, just easier to say that when you're a rich white lady living on

"What, you want it to get worse, huh?"
— 2016

Tila? I've been calling her Tia (in my head)! Why didn't someone tell me? Oh, I've been making an idiot out of myself!

London is its own country, just happens to be in the lower right of another country…. like a parasitic leech.

I keep wondering what LA smells like and I keep thinking it smells like Pinesol covering up something unmentionable but you know you'll be smelling it long after you leave.

Lucky guy.