Comedy Gold Jerry

I'm going to say yes just on avatar/username/comment synergy.

I'm really unsure what Uruguay Natural means.

That's more analysis than a weaksauce Jost joke deserves, you get an upvote.

Amazingly? Psh, it's been in use for centuries, not sure why there's resistance from some towards the singular they.

I read it as a poor joke defining Jost's general tenure on Weekend Update to date.

Well yeah, it's not 37 genders as much as varying labels for around 7-10 actual discrete gender types but SNL will always need better jokes and it's a campaign that'll never really be completed.

Right, right, glad you really absorbed all that CBT bullshit. I mean these things are just words, jokes and joshing, right? Those bullies who used to insult the crap out of you at school, jokes! Spraying swastikas on Jewish tombstones, just shits and giggles.

Wait, why are you saying that three times, it's not like Candyman.

Everyone thinks SNL doesn't matter from just after they stopped watching it, whichever cast they grew up with was the best.

Done and done. And I mean done.

Nono, the principle here is that only white males should be respected and heard so wheel out the black lesbian Jewish wheelchair user to point out supposed hypocrisy. Good ol' gotcha politics huh?

It's a real strain on my wrists though.

It's not sexual identity, it's gender identity and no, I don't need some smug asshole telling me that there's only two biological genders.

It's a very alt-right thing to leap out and attack Tumblr for daring for diversity because they see it as some form of special snowflake thing for those on Tumblr when it's more of a crab bucket thing for the harassers where exceptionalism is frowned upon and if they can't be on top then nobody can be.

We can fight battles on many fronts, no need to focus on one at the expense of others.

I know why, it fucks with the hierarchy and makes people fearful because it's either 0 or 1, they don't recognise 2.

Please, I can smell your Axe body spray and fetid Cheeto fart stank from here.

They are both lying elitist neocons, what's your point? I mean "pandering to priveledged [sic] PC SJWs" is putting out your ignorance early I'll admit but why pick the obnoxious asshole at all knowing he wasn't on Middle America's side either?

Yeah but some guys don't like it when their dick is confused.

Our compassion will be our undoing, we do need to be more selfish and only in our common unifying thought of "that's mine, not yours, shut up" can we win!