Comedy Gold Jerry

I feel like South Park is a strangely weird agitator for hate given how everything is wrapped in a nihilistic "everyone sucks" message which appeals to no-hopers looking for someone to hate besides themselves.

We need to focus our efforts on one insane thing at a time and it's rush hour, tell her to take a ticket and wait.

We're good at being distracted from far larger issues.

You go where the crowds are and try to be the focus of attention there. Right now, people are really either for or against neo-Nazis so just say you're part of a strange movement and watch people remember you vaguely.

Tay Zonday has a name. It's Tay Zonday.

Yeah but I really don't want to hear yet more on how prescient Idiocracy was.

Don't forget those sugars!

He has gotten much more outspoken and ill-informed since his mother died so I think it's reasonable to say there's some underlying problem which seems to be growing worse. We don't know if it has anything to do with his hospitalisation or not, we can only speculate but I've held the opinion that he may need some

Theirs came first, was apparently more like Finders Keepers. Would be nice if they did do a thing on the UK version of Fun House but 97% of people would be like "I didn't watch this". Actually, given how long it ran for they probably would say the same for the US version too.

Take it those staccato hahs mean you don't agree.

Don't talk to me about that godawful episode.

Art Crawl is possibly one of the worst episodes.

I have been guilty of doing just that, I still feel immense guilt.

From memory, the chests there contain some bombs (You can pick up and throw a Bomb that you placed (press the A button)!), arrows and 300 rupees.

Bit of a shame, seems like it'd be an interesting show.

Ellen was Mara the whole time.

So, which one of you had "Mara's insane, Ellen's head is not actually a TV"?

Thought he was turning it into a kakistocracy.

Rocky, Perkins.

People loathed the idea of Detours, still wonder if the pilot is out there but it's non-comparable if you ask me, one's a joke machine but the other is meant to have some grade of serious impact to it.