Comedy Gold Jerry

So to be a parody of annoying people, you needed to create an even more obnoxious variant which eventually ended up making you one of those annoying people… but ironically or some shit? Sounds somewhat self-defeating, not really parody by that point but simply emulation to the point of being accepted as one.

Because sometimes he's a grumpuss of the highest quality, an angry drunken grumpus which you might think is the best kind of grumpus but only sometimes. Here, he's just speaking truth to power but othertimes he's just taking random potshots at random targets. He's good, don't get me wrong but that doesn't prevent him

There is a decent amount of Marissa in Miranda but I'm guessing it comes from the same source of slightly obnoxious teens on YouTube around 5-10 years back.

You hunt the monsters but eventually, you too become the monster.

We can still flag.

They may take the best route for them, if their lot can't improve then punish those who have it good because they have nothing to lose by then. If you can't beat 'em, pull 'em down to your level.

Take a ticket, you'll be called when it's your turn.

15? They've been at it for well over 50 years at this point, just decided to knock it into high gear the last 15.

They knew, this is the end result of their years of fear mongering, hypocrisy and demagoguery rolled into one loud, veal-lipped orange ballsack. You don't fight against the man most true to the modern Republican's values and ideals.

I'd prefer using a term that isn't about -ghazis or -gates because it's reductive.

I'm moe worried about those votesplitters going to follow Johnson or god forbid Stein after failing to get Sanders onto the nominee podium. Even indirectly allowing Trump to win is no better than voting for the man.

I'm still unsure how the US puts up with campaigning two years prior to the election. After this, I think even two weeks of campaigning will be about as much as anyone can stomach.

Even though I give O'Neal a hard time for his writing style, I love when he goes all out in expressing his viewpoints because it's wonderfully visceral how much anger, disgust and general world-weariness sits behind it.

Yep, AVC was pretty much the only way I'd have known who he was or his meme status and in less than a week he'll be a distant memory like Left Shark or The Dress.

But the internet has done it for so long, it just feeds on itself and there's always outrage to be had!

Eh, it's an old trick, needs new material to really get me all lost in the lies and bread and circuses like the old gods used to.

Yeah, always got that damn quarter stack on the side, if it's not blinding the thinking with misinformation, it's trying to beat his own high score.

Azathoth's a hack, not falling for his lies of inert thought again.

Not exactly surprised, it holds up celebrity and wealth as the pinnacle of status which is fine but also it makes people notice they actually can't get ahead in life no matter the effort because the deck was already stacked against them from the start. It's an Ouroboros of low effort feeding on high expectations.

We thought he was a strange beast, kinda like a puppy who can barely walk which we find oddly adorable except it's a balding middle aged white guy undecided at a point in time where it's hard to be fencesitting about it. Sheltered, unique, he had something oddly bemusing about him but his fame was shortlived when we