Comedy Gold Jerry

I am and so's my wife.

Find me intelligence, find me sanity, I will worship at that altar if you can locate it.

But really Sean, how do you honestly feel about this?

A born beta, that man. No spine, no dignity, perfectly malleable. Super hero sure but it's a very inadvertent hero, not the one we want but the one we need, that sort of thing.

So a regular old Christmas?

The blurst of times?


That's nice buddy.

Guess so, just doesn't help too much if we're still getting inaccurate portrayals. Anyway, the joke did work for me because I've heard that exact argument, I might have even made it once or twice but I saw the irony inherent in it so I was quietly amused if a little puzzled that fursuiting is still considered the most

Not really, it's all about limiting the exposure in order to keep it exciting and as you know, Star Wars stretches out far beyond just films.

Like you'd turn it down in his position.

Or at least steer it portside towards more leftfield content.

CompuGlobal HyperMegaNet?

You still grabbed a downvote for daring to say that humans are sexual, good old "yiff in hell" gang still operating where furries fear to tread.

Jeez, what's left by then? The earthquake that takes out the East Coast?

"Okay look, if I take this guy, he was totally asking for it" - 2016.

Psh, never used infoseek, it was either HotBot or AltaVista. Excite or Lycos maybe if you were truly struggling.

I suppose it speaks more of Warner Bros.' strange habit of never really doing anything with old promotional sites. Just left to lay untouched for years only to be uncovered by internet archeologists some time onward, preserved in time and looking best on 640x480 displays running Internet Explorer 3 or higher.

That was quite the wild ride.
