Comedy Gold Jerry

Much like the kid who had a cousin who worked at Nintendo or Mattel, right?

*push push push push push*

Canadian ham shortage with Corey Feldman. May or may not be a vampire.

Will you accept chutzpah as a replacement term?

The country is far more worried about being seen as racist than they ever could be about open sexism. I'd say they're both level in actuality, you get the one -ist and you'll need the other for the set.

That last one is an -asts but maybe.

I thought he was a moonshine/rotgut sorta man robot.

It's definitely the worst part having evil right there in the open knowing everyone else is looking at the stage show Trump is throwing. It's almost like the second coming of Cheney but like every generation of virus, it always comes back stronger.

A grave scenario when a guy like Trump ends up considered most electable.

No love truer than that between a father and his (attractive) daughter, very Old Puritan.

Isn't he going full old hobo and tootling around America right now?

I was really having fun with P&F but gradually, I think I grew to hate something about it. Not the repetition, that's pretty core to the show but something, probably it's ever optimistic and heartfelt ways and overly witty dialogue kinda broke something in me for it. MML hasn't done that yet but I'm pretty cold on it,

Yeah, it's doing a weird one week on, one week off thing. It'll be back this Sunday but off the next.

Psh, Starco will not come to pass. It really shouldn't for varying anti-shipping reasons but it's an ill fit anyway.

I am trying very hard to parse this sentence.

Watch John Oliver REDUCE TO ASH AND FLAME lack of police accountability!

Destiny did not look kindly upon him.

How one call led poor ol' Mohd to this life. If only he'd ignored that ring, maybe he wouldn't be here, he'd have worth!

I don't know, man. It's truly a mystery for the ages, the lost men of the Americas.

I don't believe Trump would stick around to do that, it's be Pence being responsible for the actual functioning of the state and well, things you say to be elected don't mean they'll happen. Cruz however is insane and within the system, he's much more sinister because you know he lacks compassion or understanding of