Comedy Gold Jerry

It's not about if it does change anything like he is proposing, it's just about making their voice heard in a world which seems to ignore them and he reflects some of their bottled up rage at things they see as the issue. Logic isn't a consideration, facts aren't either, only how it looks.

Trump might scare me but Cruz fucking terrifies me.

They know that but he comes from a world of business, that's not political at all to them. The wilful ignorance is mostly driven by spite, much like Xanderpuss mentions it's similar to how Brexit occurred on a bed of lies but people didn't care, they just wanted to state they wanted change by any means necessary

Protest vote, they believe in him simply because he's seen as an outsider and out for their interests. Not saying they're ignorant, just willfully so for the sake of siding with the obnoxious bully.

Yeah, they don't care.

The very same Newswire, Perkins?

No, it isn't.

I was wrong, the throughline for the comic series is ghosts. Lot less slashfic than I thought.

Oh, that'll actually be fun, there was a for-real issue with having it on Wikipedia way back when.


Morning, Rocky

Meh. Upvotes self, private account, just a shit-stirrer.

It's all about lack of virtue signaling with these guys.

Pretty sure he filterfeeds.

Probably a "Beam me up, Scotty" in the sense he may not have said that specific phrase but for some reason this weird Frankenstein's monster of a phrase seems to be the thing people remember.

Brian Blessed as Odin… he'd make a fine Volstagg but he's no Odin.

Yeah, not willing to take that option, I happen to like food over Sava's strange, strange misreads. It might be more reviews but what good are they if they're just awful?

Interesting like finding a roach colony in the floorboards?

This sort of bit is why I keep thinking of Louis C.K. as "Old Man Yells at Cloud".

So what is it?