Comedy Gold Jerry

Algerian is always the choice for those who think Times New Roman is a little too dull but won't scroll down the font list.

Furries hate to have Bronies associated with them, Bronies are damned adamant they ain't no furry. You're the outsider.

Big children, yes but generally you don't down twenty in one sitting, it's an awful lot of delicious mechanically reclaimed chicken flesh in one go.

Even in times when everyone is freaking out about politics, you'll always be able to find someone barely aware of what's been going on.

Experience is good, facts are bad. It's all gut feelings and if you can prove something you're clearly lying.

Clorox wipes and a good strong thread.

20 pieces serves 4, dammit!

Yeah but there's plenty of shows that held up fine once the creator left, it's still in stable hands and there's still two seasons yet to go. I wouldn't worry but then nobody knows if it'll see a seventh.

That's cool, just didn't really click for me is all.

I always felt Gumball was far more the animator's animated series but I can see why it gets called that.

Gravity Falls fans got a similar long lead on the end of season two being the end (though that was more due to Disney XD's glacial airing schedule) but people really did flip out then too. There's overlap between the fanbases so they've been bitten before.

I had to fill in for my brother's paper route when he was away for six weeks. Apparently I was slow and damaged papers. They were the big-ass Sunday papers around 2cm too big for most letterboxes once you got them folded up.

Bastard hobbies section, always trips me up!

I'd rather not.

Yep, I think ninth season will be fine for AT, it's kinda wandering around at the moment with all these loose ends and nothing to do with them. I think it was a great incubator for talent to really grow and gain exposure so I hope another Adventure Time comes up to help out the next bunch of new talent once it ends.

Are you not paying attention?

Gumball isn't ending though, is it? Last I heard was that the show is continuing but the creator is leaving. Don't think CN is that quick to kill something that's doing fairly well for it.

Nine seasons is a lot unless you break them up into three season arcs and give it a new subtitle every three seasons so it feels like a new show though it's just a continuation.

So much damn wrasslin'. Dammit, I want to hear opinions about a Force sensitive rock monster dude voiced by Tom Baker ffs!

Yeah but Starfan13's a damn freak, of course she would. She'd probably wear Star's skin as a Halloween costume too so not sure that "love" means much.