
Clearly this totally cancels her decades of feminist activism and writing, and makes her an evil mysoginist.

I thought Jezebel as an entity likes Atwood. Plus this isn’t Jez, so, y’know.

What you’re saying makes perfect sense to me. But I am but a humble steward, faithfully guarding my father’s trained beetle collection in exchange for Chuck-E-Cheese tokens, and don’t have any personal knowledge or insight into the way decisions are made for A-list franchises at large corporations. Dan Slott does,

Something something something. Only perfection is acceptable.

Go ahead and imply whatever you want. I have struggled with dysgraphia all of my life. You can correct me all you would like, but without computer aided writing software, I can’t write without mistakes. I hate to see people insult someone’s intelligence, based on comments they originally gave 30 seconds of thought,

Ok, but why? Why is every editorial team at Marvel against the marriage? What is so scary in a marriage?

That’s fair, you’re right. I was definitely defining “modern gaming” way too narrowly.

Based on Amy Pascal’s hacked e-mails, I don’t understand how anyone ever took anything she ever said seriously.

They were at the very after the Zord got done fighting Goldar. They were some bystanders. Tommy lifted his phone up to take a pic.

Seems pretty easy if you ask me. Go with a tweak of the Flash Thompson/Agent Venom story - Marine loses his legs in the line of duty rescuing his platoon during a dangerous mission. Military offers him experimental bio-weapon that will restore his mobility and give him amazing ability. Bam!

the movies were corny but my god, Jolie was simply freakin GORGEOUS and drop dead sexy in the role. I loved watching her ooze and oomph in those movies. I miss her and I wish she would do more movies... sigh.

Nah. I think they will be far more subtle. They will strategically shred her shirt so it is barely covering her.

Very curious how torture/gore they get with it. She was beaten pretty badly in the first game. Example: The piece of rebar that skewers her guts. Curious how much they keep here.

meh. I lived in NYC for 8 years. I’d say people from New York actually do have a certain look. Kind of tough to describe, but it exists. Not code for anything.

A bunch of people who look like Danny DeVito?

Disgusted looks on their faces from having to deal with yet another alien invasion.

Well, I know New York has its own kind of fashion (as compared to, say, LA). But I’m assuming it’s code for more than just white people. Imagine the possibilities.

I’m hoping they borrow the origin story from the recent Earth-2 comics, where the Flash (Jay Garrick) gets his powers from the god Mercury. That ties him into the Greek/Roman mythology that Wonder Woman and Aquaman (and Shazam) are part of; and because Mother Boxes are artefacts of the “New Gods”, and the last two

I don’t care as much about Cap yelling “Avengers. . .assemble!” as a moment of awesome, as I do compared to him picking up Thor’s hammer and taking out Thanos with it.

Andddddd there’s the difference between the MCU and the DCU. The big moments in the MCU are *earned* through years of world-building and rich storytelling. DC is so incompetent they think you can just yell references and bam, you have a movieverse.

That first “Avengers, Assemble!” moment is going to kick some serious