
J.K. Simmons mustache kinda looked fake, but the clip is short to really tell.

It’s really the Geoff Johns retelling of the Flash’s backstory that brought in the whole Henry Allen wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife (Barry’s mother).

I played ADnD for a few years, but didn’t remember the bonus scores thanks to advancing age and fading memories, but after what you’ve seen in the news with the laughable AHCA fiasco do you really think Trump has any (Russian) bonus scores left?

Guyver! that’s what they remind me of. I love Guyver but that style just doesn’t seem to be a good fit for Power Rangers.

I’m not sure you really care to understand what I’m saying. There is no one hand and other hand. Thor is a hero identity. It’s an identity that hasn’t always been carried by the same person, or for that matter the same characterization of the same person. Sorry you don’t like Jane Foster as Thor, but she’s legit, your

Seconded. The first trailers cast the movie as a grimdark modern blandathon. Thankfully that’s not what we got. Way more (and better) humor than I expected, and it blended camp and drama pretty well, although I think it would’ve benefited from better camera work/choreography and budget for the final battle.

I’d pay good money to watch Machete vs Trump.

That’s not really super hard though is it. I mean, there are a lot of white comic book characters. Representing the world a bit better with a range of super heroes doesn’t seem like an exactly morally complicated things that leaves white people with little or no representation. I mean, let’s think - the Justice League

This seems like the best idea to me. Why can’t they have their own continuities and adventures?

I did something similar back in the day, when I ran a game of Heroes Unlimited in the future DC universe. I find it much more moving to see a character die if you know he or she won’t just come back in two months.

I don’t know, but I want a superhero with a Snyder-to-the-Xtreme version of a battle spork.

Any suggestion?

I believe “sharpened candelabra” is the term we’re looking for.

A KitchenAid Standing Mixer.

Gilette Fusion-dent

“Why don’t you just have 3 tines and call that a ‘trident’?”

A Penatent?

Quindent, which is incidentally the name of the gum the Avengers produce. They tried a huge branding and marketing push for a while. Obviously it didn’t take.


Five prongs is TO THE EXTREME!