
Best Buy’s price-matching is a godsend when you need something quickly.

To be fair, children kind of ruin GTA Online. And they shouldn’t be playing it.

This sounds sublime.

All humans CAN be bad...

Lots of believers in prison. Just sayin’.

then that’s not athiest. that’s just someone who doesn’t believe in god.

I’m leary of people who only do good things because they’re told a magical being will reward them after they’re dead for being good.

Now playing

Really, special mention should be made of “The Night of the Doctor”, a short released online shortly before the 50th Anniversary that brought Paul McGann back and gave him a freaking brilliant regeneration scene all his own.

“concerned primarily with practicing religion”

There is MAJOR differences between cryptocurrency got hacked with third party e-wallet services or e-vendor got hacked and larger difference with some e-money scam/fraud.

PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.

“1.The Word “Thuggery”gotta go,its been ran to the ground.

Guessing they realized the gold mine they’re sitting on and decided to rethink the whole project to better capitalize on the market. I’m expecting whatever version comes next to support some sort of online marketplace for games..

Sure, Jan

That song is comical when sung by a little Korean dictator puppet. But it is beautiful when it’s sung by a young white guy.

Congratulations, this might be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all year.

Ah, now eventually you DO plan to have Ragnarok in your, in your Ragnarok movie, right? Hello?

Will a couple lottery tickets a year make a difference? No. But those who say they’re “good with money” and even buy a couple lottery tickets, also buy a couple coffees instead of make their own. And they buy car washes a couple times instead of washing the car themselves. And they buy name brand food on “sale”