

I feel for him tbh

“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”

Looking forward to checking out all the new features.

What do you mean “you people”?

Trunks did it better.

(Opening gift): awwww I got one of these last—yesterday, dangit.

Filing taxes every 6 hours?

Plus he’s already been a doctor! Win-win! Actually, I would have loved Laurie but I think his temperament is too close to Capaldi’s.

Now playing

Track: Down Rodeo | Artist: Rage Against The Machine | Album: Evil Empire

It’s gonna be ok

“decided for some odd reason to bring back ‘90s band Cake”

Oh shut the fuck up already with this shit. If people are such sensitive special snowflakes that calling them “deplorable” makes them vote for an unstable fascist, they were never going to be on the side of decency in the first place.

Horray! Just when I finally have a phone that can download it, too!

Ban Pokemon Go because of personal safety of its people, do nothing about the air pollution. #chinalogic

LOL I remember the first time that happened to me. I was like, “I’m flattered, but I have eyes for the manly were-woman with the painted face. So basically if you trimmed that stache.......”

Enter Old Tristram at Level 1 and complete the whole thing, I believe in one sitting (took me an hour on Normal with a wizard). You get an achievement when you kill Diablo at the end if you did it right.