
Afte throwing a Galaxy Note 7 off of a building......

That’s Because He Speaks Jaden. Didn’t You Read His Tweet?

Ever since 9/11/01, people - at least in the US - have been conditioned to equate “terrorist” and “terrorism” with Islam and/or anyone with brown skin who looks vaguely Middle-Eastern. Which is bullshit on the face of it - terrorism comes in all different shapes, sizes, and yucky flavors. Is it ever fair or

Holed up in the new campaign headquarters, Donald Trump could not be reached for comment.

Yeah, it’s totally different than the original weapon, but that’s not a bad thing. Still totally viable and totally exotic this way.

Bring on the Lethal Protector!

That is just anecdotal evidence. For me, I’ve been using the same Logitech keyboard and mouse for over 3 years now.

Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?

Watched it last summer. I don’t think I was drinking (it’s very possible but I don’t believe so) but I did watch it very late in the night, like 5 AM.

The mid-90's Nicolas Cage action trilogy (The Rock, Con Air, Face/Off) really is a thing of beauty.

Papa’s got a brand new bag.

I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.

The first third of this movie is proof that Nick Cage could play the Joker in his sleep and far outdo Jared Leto’s performance.

Bat Flask...

How about nature is to blame, and not the imaginary man in the sky?

it’s hilarious how they “blame” millennials.