
To be fair, cancer kills just about everyone it would seem.


Only thing is the battery doesn’t last long

Only thing is the battery doesn’t last long

Why are you mad about this though? You seem mad and maybe a bit jealous, that’s how this article comes off.

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lol that Rocket League clip, calculated. I just uploaded this clip using the new boxing gloves in Black Ops 3. So satisfying to get an uppercut in a world of guns. The 6 streak was amazing.

That’s because those people often misunderstand many things

As a streamer, that’s fucking hilarious. Sounds like it was a kid too, if he messaged you like that lol. If you can’t game and chat to whoever is watching at the same time you need to gitgud. Bravo.

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I don’t know how these kids get those crazy Rocket League goals, I just go for touches lol. My 2 buddies posted these the other day

This fucking happens everywhere at every single place I’ve worked. It’s insane

I miss Matt Smith as the Doctor

Diablo RoS is damn near flawless now and they keep adding new content for quality of life, but yeah that first 8 months or so was a little rough.

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My buddy posted this amazing nova bomb in Destiny 2 beta

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Wow that weedman death was a once in a life time shot lol. This was the coolest part of the new social space in Destiny 2 beta.

Gotta love those “tracking” Nova Bombs lol, I couldn’t hit anyone with them

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I put together a little highlight clip from the Destiny 2 beta. The Warlock with the void pulse rifle is a beast.

Seriously? This was fairly obvious for my friend and I.

The only time I have to use gas is when I leave town which is extremely rare, otherwise I’m 100% electric. I plan on getting a Model 3 when they’re available. I don’t understand your all or nothing approach to this though, the Bolt has decent availability now unless you’re waffling over the looks for some reason

That’s probably because they’ve only been available in California and Canada up until now, they just started allowing orders to all states. I’ve seen more advertising for the Bolt than the Volt though

The 2nd Gen 2016-2017 Chevy Volts are getting between 50-80 miles electric before they switch to the gas generator.