
We have 2 Volts and I’ve been seeing an increasing amount lately. You can get them for 15,000$ with 30-50,000 miles on them too. I fucking love that car. I think it’s really the best transition vehicle for Americans who have range anxiety and want the security of the gas generator.

Absolutely fucking not.

I guess because he’s on a trampoline

lmao the invisible car is great


You do know that breathing and blowing air in someone’s face are two different things right?

Cool shitpost. If someone is breathing near you that’s normal, but if someone blows air in your face I don’t expect you’ll be okay with that. It’s the same thing with someone smoking or vaping.

If someone is breathing near you that’s normal, but if someone blows air in your face I don’t expect you’ll be okay with that. It’s the same thing with someone smoking or vaping.

If someone is breathing near you that’s normal, but if someone blows air in your face I don’t expect you’ll be okay with that. It’s the same thing with someone smoking or vaping.

Plus it’s gross, that was just in your mouth and lungs. There are enough things in my air space already.

They don’t know any better

lmao truuuuuuuuu

The white and pink was an interesting choice, what made you go with that?

what the hell

If the N word is your default, you’re definitely a fucking racist. Besides “cunt” is a way better swear. It just feels right.

Just look at their tiny hands

“The Supra was truly an answer to prayer,” said Pastor Nancy Schoenle of The Genesis Center. “I had been asking God for something different, something unique to help us touch more lives – then God put it on this donor’s heart to give his car to The Genesis Center.”

Ah I see, I knew I had to be missing something.

lol Supreme? Professionals don’t use either of those products, they’re average consumer based.

Dudes pretty good too, respect.