
The guy did what he did. Did his time and became a productive member of society.

I’m not into perpetual punishment.

Naw, you don’t get it: the guy she replaced was a 10-term legislator with significant leadership experience within the Democrat party and in Congress. The Dems just lost a major force for actually getting legislation passed in favor of a symbolic figurehead.

I know a person who uses their dishwasher to store towels, and another whostores dirty dishes in the dishwasher and removes dishes as needed, washes them by hand, uses them, and puts the dirty ones back in the dishwasher. Never actually runs it.

The woman to the right and the man to the left of center are not real humans look at their faces its like that game in mario party 64 where you can drag the different sections to make (in his case) the forehead bigger or (in her case) the eyes higher

It seems like you’re actually a racist. Very dead-set on white people not using their privilege to spotlight racism. Making you nervous?

It’s almost like fast food isn’t very good but people like to rave about it to feel less bad about eating garbage so they do it in packs which is what causes some shitty fast food places to be more popular and therefore acceptable to eat at despite the fact that all fast food places are roughly equal and roughly

Hobby lobby has got some great deals lately. Diamonds are forever. Clean Coal!


I’m still pushing for texas to secede. 

Sure, but whats the real difference between having 300 million versus 400 million? Different gold plate thickness on the boat?

Lol, you’re definitely primed for internet-level discussion.

Patronizing racists by pandering to their need to believe they are not racists doesn’t make them less racist, either.

There is no global capital,

Nah, people from Montana aint as dumb as people from the south. Anywhere it gets cold people have to be only medium dumb or they will die. If you want to find REAL dumb people, look for areas where the average lows never go below 40s. 

hopefully global warming starts causing intense massive heatwaves through the south and lots of the old people die before 2020

Anyone who knows history knows that music and the way music was disseminated was a lot different hundreds of years ago. Important influences in how music was then versus now include: the ability to record and broadcast music. I’ll just stop there, as you basically attempted to say something akin to:

Listen, there are about 200 million idiots in America. I’m not going to accept the argument that since Kanye had top 10 albums that means he is a “creative genius (as the talking point is disseminated.) He’s just a face to sell some music, who ended up going crazy, probably because he’s a fraud and couldn’t stand not

Lol yeah sure he does. SOOOO good. Like Mozart, really. Won’t be embarrassed that you worshiped his shitty pop music in 20 years

From the passionate and sound response you linked to: