lol what you mixin that 250 dollar bottol with with son? thats like saying, “if i was rich, i’d buy a lambo and hire a driver.”
lol what you mixin that 250 dollar bottol with with son? thats like saying, “if i was rich, i’d buy a lambo and hire a driver.”
Listen, if you don’t like Hillary Clinton you are a sexist republican bernie supporter, obvioulsy. And you didn’t vote, too. Obviously. Hillary 2024
I believe math matters. Sorry if you don’t.
I mean, its the same as Cuomo saying “America was never great.” It makes sense, I get it what they were saying and don’t dislike them for it, and it was a terrible choice for someone in politics who needs to understand something called a “soundbite.”
Dude, buy you own modem, that is a ripoff. Do the math
I still dont’ think the Saudis would go so far as
“for all intensive purposes, yes”
“I don’t hold a grudge”
Well, I assume by now you’ve given it some thought and recognize that demonizing people who don’t vote/didn’t vote is counterproductive, so martyrdom is accepted. And if you really don’t hold a grudge, you will obviously do just that.
Lol, you can pretend that if you want, but let’s be real. You commented in favor/agreement with OP’s rant, and then you commented on my critique of said rant, concluding with “nice reading comprehension.”
It clearly means that the reasons are not adequate given the reality of what’s at stake.
1) Now that we are past you nitpicking technicalities to avoid confronting that you are part of a dumb liberal hardline mob on the internet, you have moved on to saying that you are just enjoying getting me riled up. It is not surprising, I think I would put this next in the playbook for avoiding the argument. It sort…
I responded to about 10 people with my argument, and 4 of you responded back. Not one of you actually acknowledged my argument, to affirm or contend otherwise. You all just said dumb shit to distract yourselves from the fact that you are wrong. You said i got the OPs gender wrong, others said I didn’t vote (not true),…
Part two of your non-response to the substance of my argument focuses on how I said typo instead of “carelessness about gender, which is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.” Okeydokey.
Always the sign of a good argument:
Hypocrisy, thy name is you.
I think maybe its like “we told you to evacuate, and your son was obviously too young to choose to evacuate himself, and then because you didn’t evacuate he died, so this is on you.”
Yes, that is much better. But there is nothing wrong with being extra sensitive. For example, I wouldn’t brag about how popular I am at a funeral. The meaning of the words I am saying are all the same as if I were bragging at a party or at a campaign rally, but the context decides whether it is appropriate.
I replied to about 10 people who affirmed Dinosaurs and Nachos Girlfriend rant about how you should force people to vote by... yelling on the internet?
You totally missed the point. It isn’t about being right or wrong. What you fail to understand during your little fit is that people are motivated by positive reinforcement in systems that allow for anonymity. All your foot stomping about how people SHOULD and MUST vote OR ELSE is just foot stomping.