
I love MC, and I have a pile of figures already, but I cannot jsutify $125usd for a 7" figure, no matter how cool it looks. Size matters baby.

Kotaku commenters “ARRRRG, why do you keep giving me birdseed, I fucking hate birds!!!”

Yeah, he took a really downward spiral after that. WS and HG are probably his only 2 “good” movies.

Counter-Counter point. Happy Gilmore is still one of the funniest movies ever made.

Portability when carrying. Look at poor Maul, dude had a 2-3 ft long stick, this would allow you to have it in the same footprint as a regular lightsaber.

Shhh, that does not fit their agenda.

Counterpoint. If we were not such horrible people to each other online, maybe people would not snap and go on killing sprees?

Curious why you changed the bust cover pic to a new “tame” version. You guys get some complaints?

If I want to watch sexy girls play video games, I go to Chatrubate, no beating around the bush there (no pun intended)

FF14, FF14 and more FF14. Lordy this expansion is HUGE!

Yet somehow not illegal enough to indite over?

It never ceases to amaze at how little good the man can do in the eyes of the media.

I think the funny part is, there are more black people commenting on #NotMyAriel trashing white folks than actually people outraged at the casting choice...

Oh man, looks like a trailer park is missing its trash....

All depends, manslaughter has no minimum sentence and is still technically murder, just not in the first.

Something like manslaughter carries no minimum sentence, so you could get less time than for a DDoS. We are not just talking murder in the 1st, lot of people in jail for accidentally killing someone.

Well if you can’t tell the difference between Swatting and a DDoS, then you need to go do some reading son...

Staring this right now... #NotMyAriel and #NotMyMermaid

Sad you can murder someone and get off with less, but God forbid a few nerds cannot play their game and you better pray for death....

Maybe, just maybe, becasue there is such a thing as gender, and believe it or not, it is important? Just because the .000001% who do not follow societal norms does not mean the system is broken, thus the adage, you can’t make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time. Problem is that .000001% makes up 99% of the voice