
My bad, it is hitting the pinnacle of 13 year old tech. Then again, that is kinda cutting edge for Ninty. hahaha

Just looking at the comments here fanboys are drooling over 540p.... Seriously?!?! that is the same rez as PLAYSTATION ONE generation games, this is not some technical marvel folks, this is a slap in the face....

Just looking at the comments here fanboys are drooling over 540p.... Seriously?!?! that is the same rez as PLAYSTATION ONE generation games, this is not some technical marvel folks, this is a slap in the face....

So by this assertion then, obese people are much like extreme weight lifters? As they carry around hundreds of extra pounds every waking hour for years and years at a time...

Slow news day huh? This just in, bitchy person does not like other person, news at 11....

I personally hate that nintendo pulled this shit with VR. It is not helping get people involved with VR, it is putting off people who may have had a vague interest. Way to harm the budding industry.

Yay, looks like my XB Live is really paying for itself with 11 year old games. My favorite....

Well that was fucking weird!

This is what happens when people who do not have the mental acuity to grasp a complex show like GoT, and started watching for the boobs and violence.

True, sadly at the end of the day, people will spoil things no matter what or when.

Well, Game of Thrones books came long before the show caught up, would it have been right for fans of the written word to spoil it for show watchers?

Well if Ant-man can go in his, why not!

“I don’t really know what Arya’s going to do in King’s Landing.”

So because something is digital it has more value?

Seems to me this has a lot more to do with her attitude about Trans folks than anything else....

My one and only question is, did they finally ditch the God awful Fresnel lenses yet? Vive had them, Pro had them, Rift had them, it has been years guys, time to move on from God rings and halo smudges.

Good thing the .0000001% of the population not being represented is not impacting the bottom line...

Haha, soooo true. I am so beyond caring about the boos now, been waiting far too long for book 6. If, and it is a big IF, he finishes book 7, then I may dive back in to finish it out. But I am not holding my breath

Lol, not nearly as much as RR Martin hates them :)

No body, no funeral... Plain and simple.