
I for one love the final nod of a scene with Cap and his gal. This was a direct throwback to Quantum leap ended, when Sam went back and saw Al’s wife and the dance they shared. Just felt like a nice nod to one of the forefathers of time travel.

And you think that taking a companies property to “preserve” it is somehow NOT stealing....

Keep sugar coating it.

Again, I go back to, just because you can justify it, does not make it any more right.

I guess no matter what I say you will not see the irony in this whole situation...

What is hard to believe is the mindset that these emulators are not being used to play games illegally acquired.

Oh give it up, justify theft any way you like, it is still theft.

So enlighten me then. What is the average users doing with their emulators? Because it is pretty clear what purpose they are for.

Honestly, what are the chances? You are making a product that can play pirated games, yet no pirated games were ever used in the making. Come on dude, you sound ridiculous.

All I am saying is they are getting a taste of what it is like to be a developer, and have someone come along and take your shit without asking. How do you suppose these emulators are tested? Last I checked it was with pirated games.

So care to share then what emulators are used for? How can the community even test it without you know, a pirated game?

Do tell, what are they using emulation for? How do you even test it without a pirated product?

So the community that relies completely on roms and pirated games to use on their software, are somehow offended when someone turns around and steals their software... Oh the Irony....

Cool, you found a way to bring politics into something completely not related, like every other Trump hater.... Never let an opportunity pass amiright?

Been back for a bit in a way if you played SW Battlefront 2 at least. that’s all I will say.

So I can see by his pics the end game in Division 2 is super compelling. hahaha

Guess just art house flicks while combing your neck beard and eating your vegan burgers?

thumbs up for a friday Twatwaffle. love that word!!!

Only the truly uninformed have a hate on for her, she is out there telling young black people they are not the victims, and shockingly, they hate that....

Oh shoot, your right, it was Unity that came out the same day not AC4, my bad.