
I wonder if we will see a split release like then the PS4 came out. Both rumors could be true.

Now playing

I love a great cover of a song, this one was pretty great actually. Right up there with Sexy and I know it by Noah -

Thypical, people looking for something to be angry about, when i nturn 90% of them would not play a bunny dude anyway. But Chooo Chooo, keep the hate train rolling down the tracks.

NerfNow is so fucking accurate it is frightening....

Not sure if you have heard, but I read a rumor that women like sex too! Who knew!

Anyone else think this man makes fried chicken in his spare time?

I can’t stream 4k PS4 content from by basement to my bedroom with a PS remote play session on the same internal 1gb network in my home, and somehow they have mastered 4k 60 over the internet, with hopes of 8k. I have one long word for that.

The biggest difference is if they chose a different octave to use for listening to voice commands, and it picked up on women more, Men would just go “this tech sucks”, and move on.

It uses the Window 10 core from the OS. So there is a lot of similarity.

It is a modified Windows 10 OS. So they are very similar to the average PC. It is a core reason we are seeing so many games that are coming to PC this gen, much easier to port.

As a PC

“As MCC consists of six different games and eight different engines, porting it will likely be a unique challenge, which is one possible reason that features like cross-buy and cross-play aren’t currently in the cards.”

Agree completely, Walmart is one of the best out there in my opinion.

HAHAH, you know I would not even be mad if that was true.

I would be pissed too!

Well they sold 1.5mil of the things, that is enmasse.

If you are willing to write off an opinion based on the shortened slang that someone uses, that says more about you than it does me....

Hahah, yup.

If you cannot see how big a joke it is that Ninty has convinced the masses that buying cardboard is a viable thing for $50+, then you have obviously drank too much of the kool-aid already....