
Nintendo, convincing people the box the product comes in is more fun than the actual product.....

“Fuck the kids and their eyes! We have a warehouse full of recycled paper and old WiiU boxes, and we don;t give a shit who we damage in the process”

I totally thought this was an April fools day joke....

Totally. It would have been nice had they include all the CS from the mobile game that have been ripped to Youtube, that went pretty far to explaining the keyblade war and what follows.

I guess it is all about what you are looking for. I am about 20 hours in and really enjoying it. Reminds me a lot of Destiny early on. Fun out of the box but a lot of room for improvement and more content long term.

As I just finished a massive playthrough of al lthe KH stuff, including watching all the Union vids on youtube I really loved this moment.

Love how things like this spur the masses, who likely have played a hundred hours already, to turn and demand a refund for a problem someone else is having.

What about “the narrator” in Fight Club? One of the movies biggest mysteries :)

Yup, but I don’t think you understand that revenue does not = profits. You can be running in the red due to higher operating costs than you are bringing in via the revenue stream, hence why a corp may have to trim some fat to stay profitable or run the risk of going bankrupt.

Well it certainly falls into the same genre. Multiplayer, loot shooter, mmo.

My perception, my reality.

The thing is they gave us about what the industry standard is for a game like this. Destiny, Division, etc, they have an OK story, but nothing to write home about.

Activision does it. Burn the fucking studio to the ground.

I am right there with you. If I get 40-80 hrs out of a game and enjoy the experience, then how is that a bad thing?

An you may want to look up sentence structure and what turning a phrase is.

Play dumb all you want? (Are you playing, hard to tell here) Again, if you could not interpret what I was getting at, that is on you.

Maybe a pile of those laid off were the folks who came up with Diablo Mobile? Ever thought of that?!?!?! Huh, huh, did ya?! Maybe Bobby did a good thing here. Punishing those who deserved it most!

Sorry, I thought you were smart enough to know what that sentence meant, my bad.

People with strong work ethics like that, tend to not come to forums to cry about shit they don’t understand, because they are too busy WORKING, and not pissing and moaning that someone laid off a bunch of people from a company that not but a few months ago everyone hated.

Sometimes it is more about cutting the wheat from the chaff than it is about saving money.