
Tumblr. Tumblr... Nope. Doesn’t sound familiar.

Honestly it’s a shame about the porn ban because Tumblr’s format is/was perfect for porn consumption

Won’t allow porn, but they’ll allow white power pages.

never understood why they didnt just split it into ‘regular tumblr’ and ‘porn tumblr (or my preference ‘pornblr’ TM) and put in tools to let users keep segregated accounts (i.e. heres janes’ pretty landscapes and architecture blog, and here ane’s porn blog) and just have separate apps.
keep the commonality of of sign

That would make sense if there were any chance in hell that they made a profit on this venture.

“Perhaps someone here can explain to me the flaw in my thinking.”
The Reps and extreme “conservatives” now control the courts. So any important decisions that relate to whose conversations should be eliminated can now be gamed. Now that they’ve managed to game the Senate to stack the Supreme Court they know all they

[In a broad, thick Southern state accent]

Didn't Twitter look at censoring white supremacists, but they didn't when they realized it would catch alot of Republican politicians?

I’m not American, so can someone explain why executive orders are a thing? It seems wildly dangerous and undemocratic to be able to rule by decree like that.

Do...... do they realise that Section 230 is the main justification a lot of sites use to leave up the racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, white supremacist, ableist content a lot of people post?  That getting rid of S230 is really only going to force sites to delete all of that?

And Facebook and Twitter aren’t even left of center. They lean much more right. Someone can use N word all day long and both will say “doesn’t violate our terms” when reported. God forbid you call someone white trash or wyt and you get suspended.

Team Mitch just got unsuspended when the GOP threatened to pull ad money

For now, however this shit seems to be spreading all over.

You say not to freak out and then you end with “4 more years”... I will freak out thank you very much!

Well, the Fuckknuckle in Chief is already protected against guns, so what’s important to him is his widdle feelings on the internet.

Are you suggesting that this shouldn’t be reported on, and the White House should be able to move forward and not face any criticism or, at the least, education about what it means for Americans? Gizmodo isn’t making Trump pump out these diversions, but since they will have real world impacts, we should absolutely

There’s more than one discussion we should be having right now. We officially have too many simultaneous problems that need to be addressed to tackle them one at a time.

I know it’s all too easy to point out his hipocrisy, but my favourite is still how many tweets he posted whining about how Obama shouldn’t be playing golf when there’s other work to do.

But, I love you!


A Trump Voter

There’s a Tweet for every occasion. Remember when Obama issued too many executive orders?

*deep breath*