Lulu Coco

I don’t wanna sound petty or nitpick, but I feel a special kind of rage when he balls up his little fists like that. Especially when he has both up. Fucking nerd.

I think he’s prepping for 2018.

She was on my floor in college.

Definitely get the ball rolling on unemployment. Also register with some temp agencies. I survived years of unemployment during the early part of the recession by temping.

Even box tops work!

Here’s my Belle, glaring at me bc she got her nail stuck on the mat. (Don’t worry she freed herself right after I snapped the pic.)

Cheers! Living the box life is the best.

It’s a cliché but you really should live life like every day’s going to be the last.

Today IS weird. I felt like shit all day, with constant cramps, sore boobs, nausea, dizziness... Even took a pregnancy test to make sure my mirena’s not fucking with me.

I’m having a torturous day today, full of anxiety and impatience and sadness and looping negative thoughts. I can’t seem to shake it. My vodka lemonade, while delicious, isn’t helping. And, also, I know this sounds weird, my best friend found out that he has this flesh eating bacteria. Today is weird, right? Something

Sitting next to our wonderful Irish Wolfhound Sheela after a very busy couple of weeks.

So, I got laid off on Thursday. After 14 years with the same company I’m out on the street. I’ve never been unemployed a day in my life. Like most of the people let go I’m an older worker. I know it’s not the end of the world, but it sucks pretty damn hard. I have no idea what I’m supposed to do know. I don’t

This is one instance when I am happy to be over 40, when I was in my 20s icky shitty men like this were so common and ick ick ick. Just to clarify I was already with my now hubby back then and now he is a 50 year old man trying to get in my pants but as I am 45 it is a very welcome offer.

That photo is so creepy and cringy

When my mom gave birth to all four of us, the only person she wanted In the room was my father (and she threw a bed pan at him when she was in labor with my oldest sister).

I love complete pieces of shit that “pray”

And the hypocritical Evangelicals love him.

She can probably sum up the marriage as bad sex and Grecian Formula stains on the pillowcases.

You just know that woman never had an orgasm the entire time they were married. May she find herself a Smith Jarrod.

that is why we never got any of the mail in the 70s