
@riggs: Oh its awesome. One time at waffle house i asked the waitress if she could put ground up sausage in my waffle batter before making it. She did and it was unbelievable.

I can attest to the fact that Flip burger is delicious as are their waitresses.

My macbook is still my favorite Apple product. Its the product that made me a fanboy not iPods or iPhones or my iPad. But if i was told i couldnt have my macbook i would commit suicide or something lol

How come it took them like 1230948 years to develop Final Fantasy XIII from XII but like two weeks for this one

@shift321: ya I was thinking the same thing i guess Jesus was just to busy making fun of it to notice

@AD.Munck with music in his head.: Exactly I mean i'd be lying to you if i said i havent considered it. I mean when you are posting stacks and stacks of stuff its really time consuming going to the mail and receiving it all one item at a time. And i only have one character.

@iFork: lol nice for making me laugh. I love sad keanu

@AD.Munck with music in his head.: And retrieve all of your gold with a press of one button! I mean still not really worth it but really convenient nonetheless.

@OMG! FriedPeeps: Mine lol I've never heard of Saka so I looked it up then realized he meant Sokka

@Hey_Blinkon: Have you ever played Forza Motorsport 3? Im not saying its the best racing game ever (im not trying to start some gt fm flame war) but its really fun with some almost rpg like elements and the best thing to happen to a racing game: rewinds.

@Spustatu: Come on man its Sokka. Making me look up random tribes in Asia......

@Col1: Ya especially since there seems to be a trend where the more intelligent people tend to have less children such as one two or even none, but the dumber couples will have tons of kids.

@Retsaot: No what hes saying is that ebook readers, including the kindle, have a text to voice feature where it reads the book to you. This is helpful for the blind because they dont have to go through the hassle of buying an audiobook, but this caused publishers to freak out and caused Amazon to limit the feature.

@Clifford T Meece: Honestly what survival of the fittest means is whoever is most likely to get laid. Because whatever type of person procreates the most is the one whose genes will get passed to the next generation and this keeps on this cycle.

@Dabamasha: you can press the x on it and its gone forever. but i agree its annoying

@MxPxRobbie: congratulations on being the first to post this video lol Its hilarious

@Yamato: yamato youre instantly getting a heart for that lol