
If Nokia ever makes a good smartphone in the US running android. I'll be on that like white on rice. They have good hardware in their phones Im just in love with android.

@grkhetan: Ya i had never really thought about the first one but i realized that if it would get ejected it would be for that. But i dont know maybe they're just in the spirit of approval with all these eased up regulations and they'll be generous lol a man can dream at least.

@freedomweasel: I only like hearing about other people's dreams if i was in them

@Hiphopopotamus: I agree. I think its ridiculous that Hilary Clinton and NATO are getting involved with this one random preacher in Florida. He must have one hell of a PR guy.

@MrGrinch: With a whole lot less beautiful art. Just saying lol

Does this mean that VLC for iPad might get approved? lol

@mroach: Theyre also huge monstrosities of a plug

@blackcat12: last sentence is a fragment by the way

@Drunkenlobster: k thats my bad then lol i could've sworn that they did

@Drunkenlobster: I think every generation but the first one has had a microphone so i dont think you have to worry about it. But like preacher i could be wrong but thatd be really dumb of apple lol

I dig the iPod classic. Its the only ipod I use regularly. I keep it plugged into my car radio in my car at all times so when i get in my music is already playing. I dont really need to be listening to music while walking around that much and if i need to listen to it at home i always have my laptop. I dont know maybe

I think it could be cool to experience the reclaiming of Italy following Patton. Tanks and all that. Might've been done before I dont know.

Thatd be sweet for starcraft and other rts games.

Matches! How could you forget matches lol

@Alex2643: ^^ This guy. Yall should listen to him.

As long as the hardwares good i'll just update it myself.

@MrBrownSound: No problem. They do need to do some new headphones bestmodo. Especially after an article like this lol

@MrBrownSound: They recommended some Shure earbuds awhile back that i got and loved but i couldnt find the article anymore so here are these