
@Kevitivity: I suppose when youre working for a business $10 for a program is nohing, but when you're in the frame of mind that .99¢ is too much money for a song and you would rather use illegal channels $10 is a lot. At least worth enough hassle to download installous.

@TheNimboo: Ya but this was an act at the height of a world war. There is a very valid argument to be made that if the bomb wasnt dropped there wouldve been many more deaths than fromt he bomb seeing as the japanese had no intention of surrendering for awhile at least. 9/11 was a peacetime act that was a direct attack

@Kevitivity: I mean there are apps like the Apple Pages app and others that cost $10 which in the software world to me is expensive. Of course I dont own an iPhone only an iPad so it might be more beneficial on there lol

@Axelph: I read the Zombie Survival Guide and its amazing. Its the book thats linked in the article and reads like a legit survival guide

@Adam Djourian: I mean its a Blizzard game. It would just be out of form for them to release a game in any short amount of time. I mean honestly its probably coming out in 2072.

Please dont do this Apple. This would be terrible the Modal interface works for casual and portable devices. The iPad is the perfect example of this, but when I need to do some serious internet browsing or anything else intense a modal interface just doesnt cut it. I like finder i like being able to have tons of

@Kardster: Im sorry Kardster you didn't deserve that lol

@dissolved: You beat me by like two seconds on that lol

Man I have been loving all of these illustrations lately.

@EyeR8: Madness? THIS IS STARCRAFT!!

@tande04: Hmm you may be right but thats my prediction lol

@tande04: No I'm not saying change the housing or the antenna or any huge fix of the phone. I'm just saying theyd put some kind of electromagnetic film (that might not be what im talking about but im not an expert) and merely cover the antenna like in other phones. I mean this is kind of what we're hearing from some

@cinnamonster: Ya i agree and plus Android would probably be more attractive to them because they would essentially only be answering to themselves not microsoft in any way.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: No what I'm saying is that they wont admit to it. Thatd just be announcing to everybody that there was a problem and that they were wrong and maybe even have to deal with a recall which would be very expensive. On the other hand if they merely fix the issue behind closed doors and maybe swap out fixed

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I mean you might just call me a fanboy or something but i think Apple is going to fix this issue but just not announce it really. Just all newer iPhones will probably be coated to solve the problem. Maybe I'm wrong I'm on Verizon anyways lol

@cinnamonster: Man I would love to have a nokia android phone. That thing would be beautiful.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: its the light at Krispy Kreme that lets you know that the donuts are being made right then and there so they're amazing.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: was the hot light on? If it wasnt you need to go back and wait until it is and you will have the most delicious food experience of all time.

@iMattv4: I think it could be a kind of shuffle where the front side is a screen and the back side has the buttons or something like that. I dont know just my 2 cents