
After finally having time to do a real play-through, there is a lot going on here. I was put off by the seemingly small map; to me it felt like a large Settlers of Catan at first glance.
Did a full playthrough and started using the infiltration and trading. There is something of substance here, I honestly can’t tell

ahaaa good one. That series is actually on my reading to-do list.

Grabbed this over the weekend, opening thoughts was it felt like a very complete game for being early access. It’s clean, quick to learn, and I also really liked that they are going for their own look and not riding heavily on the back of the recent movie franchise.
One thing that feels like it falls short for me is

I’m already starting to think I am not ready to handle what the JWST is going to produce for us.

I’ve been staring at this version of the Lucky Charms mascot and finally figured out what is bothering me so much about it: his hand on screen right is the wrong way, it would make more sense with his thumb pointed downwards, instead we have this confusing as hell stance that is driven entirely by that thumb being the

As far as the demo goes, these releases are more focused on tools. For those not in this industry, these parts of the presentations get glossed over easily, and people will tend to just get the “better graphics” part out of the whole thing. Where Unreal shines is the workflow and ability to block things out, I find

it’s more like America 1, Most of Canada 1, BC 0

BC has a ridiculous Crown Corporation Insurance monopoly. It’s the only province doing it, we hate it, it does nothing but screw us, it was intended to prevent price hikes and ironically is the highest priced insurance policies in Canada having no competition to deal

Yeah somehow I got triple confused on this one. I have the launchers for both Gaijin and Wargaming, get them mixed up regularly and misread the title in multiple ways, initially thinking it was referencing WarGame and still failing again while commenting. Didn’t realize “War Game” was referencing “A game about war”

Question on some specifics here:
Is this across all installs? For example, in order to play NA servers, you need an NA account and install. If you want to play EU servers, you need a seperate account and install. We ran into this issue in an old World of Warships stint where our discord has people that already had

Felt like this looked like a pretty common picture until I went to their interactive version, the details are incredible.
I love the little “earth to scale” they threw in the top right, which I read as “Earth to portray your insignificance, staring into the churning fusion ball on which your life depends.”

I don’t really like to theorize on stuff like this, but such an extreme case has wheels turning in my head. A fire at the rear could drive passengers to the front. The APU is situated in the rear and can catch fire, if it was serious enough, a combination of loss of elevator control and passengers cramming up front

Pretty sure throwing him into whatever iteration of Bethesda’s Creation Engine to try to pull the same result would be so soul sucking he’d hate every minute of it.

“I want Elden Ring for my birthday”
“We have Elden Ring at home already!”
Elden Ring at home:

While not necessarily as deadly, I get a laugh out of those Burger King mascot looking wizards that show up a little later on after Limgrave, I can’t unsee it. There is the occasional cheeky spell that has one-shot me, kind of like a shotgun of shards. At a distance it’s ok because as it fans out less shards hit you,

“Murder Hornets Crazed for Sex!”
- in spooky 1960's comic font, somewhere probably.

Even that took a few tries, at one point I was a bit heavy handed on the controls and accidentally dismounted at the worst time and was instantly smeared into paste.
Part of me justified it through the fact he is a General, and that your job is to lead the troops as if a General yourself. Riding around the map 

After you beat him the lady in the room where you activate your Great Runes sells his armour and sword and I love it so much. The massive red plume on the helmet is fantastic, albiet a bit to get used to how much screen space it takes up at times.

Side note: I’m really liking how this game is not nescessarily following

I feel like I cheesed this boss fight after repeatedly failing to smash him with big weapons in attempts to do more damage.
Instead I rode around on horseback constantly reviving fellows in between quickly swapping to running on foot to dodge certain moves that track the horse too well. I got my character to the bare

There is an explanation option for stats etc which explains what they affect, but I definitely wish there was a way to know what active effects are doing which show as icons under your health/stamina etc.
I was one of those people that totally missed the combat tutorial but I’ve played souls games before so I didnt

I helped a friend on the first boss with my character that has now chewed through 4 main bosses and a plethora of other side-bosses etc, turns out your character gets scaled to the one you are helping and in the end while easier for my friend with my help was still bloody hard with the limitations applied to me after