
My friends play World of Warships, the bombardment of back-to-back crossovers is insane: Godzilla vs King Kong followed by Transformers, and then Warhammer 40k. It almost has them begging for the anime crossovers to return just to cleanse the pallet.
As a former Eve player I cannot see who was asking for this.

I seriously want to print out giant 2d pixel furniture to place along the empty walls in my house. That’s the only thing I got out of this. 

I tend to imagine an incredibly advanced civilization would use technology that to us is unprecedented, in seemingly mundane ways. Just as we do today with tech that barely existed commercially 20 years ago. 
The first message we intercept from extraterrestrials: Flabzarks hate him, but this Valorpian used one weird

This would be really cool for a flight sim pit.  For cycling...why..

I’m usually doing freelance work (or unpaid overtime) while I “watch” shows. I can’t recall the last time I have actually sat on a couch explicitly to watch a screen. So I actually spend more time listening than looking directly at what is on.
Generally comedy is better for that kind of thing as it’s all in the jokes

thank you! I have never seen it in writing, and with a lot of the under the breath speaking throughout the show whilst watching at low volume late at night, I could only hear Milfguard and was pretty sure there was no way they called it that.

Can somebody please confirm for me that as a person that has only been watching this show, with no prior Witcher gaming or book reading, that I am mishearing them refer to the city of Milfgard? I think this city name is just being butchered like misunderstood lyrics and I can’t unhear it.

Yeah it’s pretty neat how the speed of the actual aircraft is limited by the air it is passing through. So with the wind coming from behind you, it’s required to move the speed of the wind + the airspeed required to keep the aircraft airborne at it’s current altitude. To the aircraft, your sitting at that mach 0.8

Scientists screaming to the probe moments before it is incinerated:
“What do you see!!!!!!??

I’m starting to think insurance companies don’t know what theft is..
I had a Honda Ruckus stolen from my home, the next day I left work early out of the stress of barely having time to deal with it other than reporting the theft to police and insurance before starting a shift.
Thankfully, due to leaving work early, and

It’s nazi’s and comically stereotypical MRA incels in a contained echo chamber. It’s so bad that I forgot I was about to play a videogame and found myself wondering how the hell I ended up reading it. Slapping it right in the main menu is like walking into a restaurant and the first thing you see is three people

That’s just a stupid question. Being a cracker is a behavior. No white people where enslaved while being called a cracker. If somebody calls me a cracker, I check my behavior before I question their ignorance, only then do I ask myself if their just being an ass.
I’ve never heard that reference and it’s not my realm

Definitely looks promising, I love these kinds of games and also agree that they can be too hectic to really have control over the chaos. Playing Steel Division against ai always required me to aim for a lower difficulty because I cannot operate the field all at once while the ai seems to be able to, same for WarGame.

One of the most powerful tools of a narcissist is claiming they are being abused by their victims before word gets out as to how they treat people.

I’m the palest person I know and confident there is no physically whiter in a 30 mile radius. During the hoarding season of the early pandemic I shouted “you fucking cracker!” at a karen-cut attempting to shoehorn 8 family packs of toilet paper into a Mercedes AMG.
If you act like a cracker, you’re a cracker. If you

3D RTS, as where the originals. And considering the shots in this work almost exactly to the effect the previous games did when focusing on units, they are still hitting that 2000's era perfection that was so ground-breaking at the time.

I’m quite happy that this is a Dune license without being a Dune Movie license.
The last thing I need is one of my favorite books getting LoTR’d to death, with characters being forever cemented into their actor.
When the first LoTR movie was announced I was so happy to see the books I was in the midst of reading coming

Wow a lot of these are like high detail, polished, story-boards.
It’s almost unnecessary how fantastic these are.

I was detail hunting through the movie this week now that I was able to purchase it on youtube. Those bulges on the sides of the Harkonnen drop ships inflate as they are arriving. I didn’t catch it the

I think it’s actually a roll of vinyl wrap applied over shaped foam. Paint on most materials other than plastic and metal is going to blatantly have brush strokes or too much of the underlying material texture coming through. As a result it is also a pearlescent vinyl which is both going to vary by angle and is

It’s definitely fun, especially when I can squad up with friends. I am a little less likely to binge it vs how I had BF3, but I am also much older now and consume shooters in small intervals.
It’s running really well for having a PC built around 2015/16 with a 1070 card and still running things like textures on high